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What felt like only seconds prior, I was on my broom in the cold, the wind and rain mercilessly whipping at my skin, and the next I was in a warm bed at the hospital wing. I slowly opened my eyes to see June and Sarah sitting at the foot of my bed, quietly talking and laughing amongst themselves. My clothing was no longer a soaked and heavy quidditch uniform, but instead a soft and silky nightgown.

"Good morning." I smiled groggily, sitting up in a stretch.I was suddenly made aware of the pulsing pain in my head.

"Oh, Y/n! You woke up!" Sarah squealed, making me clutch my head in pain. "Oops sorry!"

"No, it's alright." I chuckled, rubbing my eyes. "How long have I been out?"

"Oh, only a couple of hours." June shrugged, "But Madam Pomfrey thought you would be out for a little longer."

"Where's my team? Why aren't they crying over my deathbed?" I asked, glancing out the window.

The rain was still pouring, and I could see the large droplets ricocheting off the thin glass windows separating the warm room from the cruel weather outside.

"They're eating lunch, but they said they would come back right after." June smiled. "I reckon they'll be quite disappointed that you've woken up without them."

"You're awake Dear!" Madam Pomfrey rushed over to us. "You took quite a hit, but I think you can leave the hospital wing tonight."

I suddenly heard a growl from my stomach and became painfully aware of my gnawing feeling of hunger.

"You must be hungry, I'll go fetch you some soup, sit tight." Madam Pomfrey said before rushing off.

"Oh Y/n, you were simply marvellous out there!" Sarah cooed, "I'm amazed how you could even stay on your broom!"

"Well it is a Nimbus Two Thousand-" I blushed at the compliment.

A quiet cough sounded through the hospital wing causing us to turn and look as to where it was coming from.Oliver Wood stood smirking only a few feet from us, as he managed to walk in unnoticed.

"Well Sarah and I are a little hungry so we'll leave you two to it!" June winked and started to drag a confused Sarah away.

"June!" I yelled in a futile effort to make her stay, before turning back to Oliver.He walked closer and sat down on the stool next to my bed.

"That wasn't a rogue bludger," Oliver said seriously. "One of the Slytherin Beaters hit it at you as a last-ditch attempt to prevent you from scoring."

"I wouldn't put it past them." I groaned.

"Are you ok?" He asked, staring at the bandages on my head.

"Oh of course you'd like to know whether I'm fit enough to play in our next match." I scoffed.

"No I was just checking if you are alright, but that's a good question as well." Oliver snickered, his eyes twinkling.

"Madam Pomfrey said I will be let out tonight so I assume I'm fine, but my head is throbbing," I grumbled slouching back on the bed frame.

"I know something to make you feel better." Oliver grinned."I won the match, I already feel great."

I smiled, thinking about how close I was to winning the quidditch cup.

"Well, this will make you feel even better." He chuckled softly. "Flint was pissed, and I mean fucking furious."

"Really? How so?" I asked, suppressing a small laugh.

"I heard the bloke was flipping shit in their common room!" Oliver exclaimed. "Not to mention his futile attempts to continue trying to convince everyone that you're madly in love with him."

"Well I can't help it, his rugged good looks entice me." I snorted, imagining Flint turning into an actual cave troll in the Slytherin common room.

Our casual conversation is interrupted by Madam Pomfrey placing a bowl of chicken soup in my lap.

"Eat up Dearie, and you can leave whenever." She smiled heartily. "Your friend June was nice enough to fetch you some clean clothes. They're over on that table."

"Thank you," I said, taking a long gulp of soup, ignoring the spoon and drinking straight from the bowl.

I ignored Oliver's amused stare until I finished draining the last of the soup, feeling the hunger wash away.

"That was quick." Oliver chortled, watching me place the soup on the bedside table.

"I was hungry." I scowled, grabbing the wand from the bedside table. "Accio gum."

A small package of cinnamon gum flew into my hands.

"Want some?" I said unwrapping a small piece and popping it in my mouth.

"Sure." Oliver stretched out his palm.

I placed a piece in his hand and put the small box back on the table.

"Cinnamon?" Oliver asked, grimacing slightly.

"Yeah, what about it?" I cocked my eyebrow.

"I just never really liked cinnamon-flavoured things." He shrugged. "They taste and smell weird."

"Cinnamon things are the best are you crazy?" I gasped, throwing my hand over my mouth.

"With all due disrespect, I disagree." He bowed.

"Alright get out, that's it." I pointed at the large doors of the hospital wing. "I've had enough of you for one day."

"You know you love me Stone." Oliver snickered getting up.

"Save it for your dreams Wood." I sneered.

"I don't have to."

I heard him say as he walked out. Just as he opened the door to leave, my quidditch team pushed past him and towards me, followed by June and Sarah.

"Bloody hell Y/n you took quite a fall!" Roger shouted excitedly, making my head pulse.

"Guys her head hurts, ease in the shouting." Sarah hissed, elbowing him in the ribs.

"Right, sorry."

My eyes wandered around my team, stopping on Anna.

"Anna Shirley, what the hell will we do without you as a seeker next year?" I asked the blonde seventh-year seeker, to which she furiously blushed.

"Find another I suppose." She smiled shyly.

"Let's not ignore how many amazing shots you made!" Randolph exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with admiration.

"All of us played well today, and even if we didn't we still beat those swine and that's all that matters," I smirked, receiving a group applause.

"There's a party hosted at Ravenclaw tonight-" Anna started to say.

"No thanks, I think I want to relax for the night, but I might come out to say hi at some point." I laughed softly.

"That's fair, after seeing you take that bludger everyone was expecting you knocked out for at least twelve hours," June said serenely."You sound like you're happy about that." I snickered.

"Only a little," She giggled villainously.

"Hey, could you do me a favour?" I said before they began filing out of the hospital wing.

"Anything for you boss." Said Elio Clive, one of the sixth-year beaters.

He was tall, with shaggy black hair and a crooked one dimpled smile that earned him the calling of the Ravenclaw chick magnet.

"Make sure Flint is not allowed in. Exclusively him." I smirked.

"You got it." Elio saluted me, clicking his heels together, to which the rest of the group erupted in laughter.

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