A Sour Date

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The rest of the week I spent sulking around, diving deep into quidditch practices, and trying my hardest to avoid Flint in the halls, because he made it a point to wink at me or try and talk every time I saw him. My whole team felt bad for me and were nice enough to make distractions for me to get away whenever Marcus approached.

"If I hadn't known better, I'd have thought you're avoiding me," Flint said after cornering me in the library Wednesday after school.

"Why would I be doing that?" I chuckled nervously.

"That's what I thought," Marcus said, giving a satisfied nod. "We're still on for Sunday right?"


"Perfect." He smirked, "Well I've got to go, but I'll talk to you later."

I watched him disappear, letting out a sigh of relief that he didn't choose to stick around for longer.

"Excited for your date?" I heard a Scottish voice behind me.

"Yes, very." I snapped, turning around to find myself face to face with Oliver.

"Seems like it." He chuckled softly. "Why don't you just tell him no?"

"Why would I do that?" I asked, putting my hand on my hip.

"Because you don't want to go with him?" Oliver said incredulously.

"And what if I do?" I said hastily, not wanting to admit Oliver's rightness to him.

"But you don't." He cocked his head to the side, watching me with curiosity.

"But I do," I said defiantly. "I think Marcus has a charming personality."

"Really?" Oliver tittered, "I guess your expression of adoration is very similar to the expression of disgust."

"Jealous Wood?" I said, playfully pouting.

"Of what? A date with an ogre?" He sneered, with what seemed to be genuine disgust.

"Better than a date with you." I retorted.

"Whatever floats your boat Stone." He gave me a short smile before turning on his heel and walking off.

I watched him leave the library and felt pure anger at the fact that he was right.


"You could still say no to the date," Oliver said nonchalantly while jotting down something from our textbook.

"I want to go," I said, staring at my own barely started notes.

"Oh please, who do you think you're fooling?" Oliver snickered, "You hate the bloke more than you hate me."

"Well not anymore." I huffed, cringing at the very words.

"So you're telling me you like him now?" I could hear the smile seeping through Oliver's voice.

"Well, that's why I'm going on a date with him." I sneered. "To find out."

"I just don't see a pretty girl like you going with a lad like Flint." Oliver continued to snicker.

"Oh, well, unlike someone, I judge people based on personality." I shot Wood a death glare, only to be met with his usual smirk.

"Well, first of all, Flint has the personality of a mountain troll, and you know this as well as anyone else." He grinned harder, much to my annoyance, "But also, are you insinuating that I'm shallow?"

"So what if I am?" I snarled, "You've dated like 3 girls within the last year, and none of them seemed to last you even a week."

Oliver's grin faltered only for a moment, "Well if you would like to know, they were the ones to ask me out, and I dumped them only after finding out that they didn't actually know anything about me, or cared about any of my interests."

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