Cold Ride

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Summer break flew by fast, with my internship it was hard to hang out with anyone other than Vincent, Katya, and Oliver. Oliver seemed, however annoying he was, to be growing on me. Sometimes when Katya left us alone it was like the most natural thing in the world. Whether we were talking, bickering, or simply sitting in comfortable silence, there was always an air of pleasure in the room.

Vincent invited me over to his flat a couple of times, and though it has not gone any further than making out, it came close multiple times. Vincent and I were getting more touchy the longer we were together, and I knew soon enough we would both want more. I stalled for this time to occur trying to enjoy the somewhat wholesome relations we held so far.

He and I stood on the platform 9 3/4 when it was time for me to go back to Hogwarts, and a feeling of dread was growing. There was news of an Azkaban breakout, and for some reason, this also warranted Dumbledore to station dementors all around Hogwarts. Quidditch season was promised to remain uninterrupted, but that didn't make me any less nervous. I was determined to kick Oliver's ass on the field this year.

"Your last year and you'll be all mine once you're done." Vincent purred, placing a kiss on my neck as we hugged.

"Indeed." I smiled, "When I'm out in a year."

Excusing myself, I got onto the train with my usual group of June, Sarah, Lori, but Elio was no longer there to join us. We found a train compartment for the four of us near the very end of the train, avoiding the one with a man sleeping soundly inside it. Sarah was quick to leave for her head girl duties, leaving just the three of us in our compartment.

"It's quite sad that Elio isn't here with me." Lori sighed, "Not to mention that, but I can't even stare at Lockhart anymore."

"Oh please," Groaned June, "He was a pompous and arrogant fraud."

"And a cute one at that." Lori giggled. "There's a reason he won witch weekly's best smile award."

"If you like him so much, go visit him at St Mungo's." June shrugged, opening up a book.

"Alas, I have Elio." She sighed wistfully. "If not..."

"With all due respect, I'm going to cut that thought short." I snorted. "Besides, you don't know if the new DADA teacher will be so unattractive either."

"You're so right!" Lori's eyes lit up. "The new DADA teacher might be rugged and handsome."

"Whatever, both of you have a pathetic dating situation, while I on the other hand have a girlfriend who happens to occupy personal head girl living quarters." June beamed proudly at us.

"I have my own room too you know," Lori answered coolly.

"But you didn't earn it like Sarah." June scowled.

"Alright, that's enough from the both of you." I chuckled. "I don't want to be breaking up a fistfight by the end of this train ride."

Our attention was quickly drawn away from the bickering when the compartment door slid open.

"Can I seet 'ere?" A tall girl's head popped in.

"Oh, yeah sure," I said cheerily.

The girl slid into a seat next to Lori and I was astonished at how I could not recognize her from anywhere. She was one of the most beautiful girls at Hogwarts no doubt, and her short black hair lay neatly in tight curls. Her dark skin showed no sign of pores or acne. Her full lips were covered in pretty red lipstick, and her cheeks were lightly in a rouge blush. She had a sort of glow around her that was indescribable.

"You see, am from Beauxbatons." She smiled pleasantly, revealing a row of perfect white teeth. "I am an, 'ow you say? Étudiante transféréé."

"Transfer student?" Lori offered.

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