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I started quidditch practices as early as possible, to maximize the amount of practice we get before the start of the cup. Oliver did the same thing, so throughout the first month, it was a battle between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor for the quidditch field. This was an issue I spotted on the first day of practice.I was watching and taking notes of my teammates practicing from the ground. The corner of my eye caught a small dot in the distance, that was fast approaching me.

"Aye Stone!" The dot yelled in a recognizable Scottish accent.I pretended not to hear and continued staring up at my team."Stone!" He yelled again, this time only 20 feet from me.

"What do you want?" I finally turned around to look at him, covering up my notes.

"Can you let us have the field tomorrow?" Oliver was now standing in front of me. "I mean since quidditch season hasn't properly started yet, I thought we could at least act chivalrous.

""Anything for you Woody." I blew him a kiss.

"Thanks, Stone." He smiled and rushed off.

"Alright team pack it up!" I yelled into the air, watching my teammates swoop down. "Everyone did an amazing job. Tryouts are next Friday, and our next practice is tomorrow right after school."


"Aye Stone!" I heard someone yell from below.

Quickly throwing the quaffle at the goalposts and scoring, I flew down to find the whole Gryffindor standing on the field.

"Come to take notes?" I snickered, hopping off my broomstick.

"It was our turn today." Oliver's brows knit together."Oh, right, about that..." I smirked, pulling out a small piece of paper signed by Flitwick allowing Ravenclaw the whole field for the day.

Oliver took the paper, his eyes narrowing in anger."We had a deal Stone!" He hissed at me, taking a step closer to me. I could see his face contort with rage, our faces only inches away in a brutal stare down.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember signing an unbreakable vow." I grinned.

"I-you-we-deal-" Oliver sputtered, too angry to form a coherent statement."You're pretty cute when you're angry you know that?" I said, placing a quick kiss on his cheek. "Well, I've got to get back to my teammates, see you around Woody."

I quickly mounted my broom, and sped upwards, but not before shooting another wink at Oliver. The whole Gryffindor team was doubled over in laughter, and Oliver was standing, obviously confused about what just happened.


As we entered into November, the weather grew very cold. The mountains around the school became icy gray and the lake like chilled steel. Every morning the ground was covered in frost. I could hear my team complain about how cold it was while changing before practice. Playing early in the morning was something because I'm fairly certain I couldn't feel my nose by the end of practice. I had done my fair share of spying on the other teams, and couldn't help but notice how Wood had tried to keep Harry Potter being the seeker a secret. I of course quickly leaked this information, making Oliver quite frustrated.


I walked into the library very early Saturday morning. It was the day of the first quidditch match, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, and I smiled thinking about how stressed out Oliver must have been.I looked around to find a table I liked, all of which should've been empty. Early rays of the morning sun were hitting the vacant library, and I could see a hunched over and shaking figure of a tall boy I knew all too well. Oliver was clearly distressed and muttering something to himself about the match. All of my malicious thoughts left at that moment, and I couldn't help but feel bad for him.

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