Duelling Club

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Vincent again continued to owl me near-daily, and we agreed on another date during my winter break. My mom was eager to meet him, and so invited him for Christmas despite me telling her we weren't even official. She brushed it off, saying we will be by that time.

As eleven o'clock approached we carefully made our way down to the empty potions classroom. We consisting of myself, June, Sarah, Lori, and Elio, who was mainly tagging along with us because of Lori. Initially, I was under the impression that Lori was the object of his short term affections, as Elio was a well known and established bachelor, but I was starting to second guess my assumption after seeing the hoops and hurdles he jumped through to gain her attention. The boy was practically drooling over her as she carelessly talked to us! Lori too, despite her flirtatious personality, seemed to be wholly enamoured by Elio and seemed to have no intentions of leaving him.

June despite not liking Lori at first, and describing her as "annoying" was the first to take her under her wing. It almost seemed like June considered her another one of her numerous younger siblings, although she would never admit it.

Sarah was delivering Snape a message to come and meet Dumbledore in his office for something, and so we followed her, trying to make sure we were not visible to anyone who might round a corner.

When we finally got to the classroom door, each one of us hid behind different knight armour stands that liked the entirety of the hallway. These armour plates seemed to be made for giants, or at least someone the size of Hagrid because hiding behind them took no effort on any of our parts.

Sarah politely knocked before entering. For a moment I didn't hear anything from behind the door, but it wasn't long before I heard Snape's muffled voice, conveying annoyance.

"You will escort me there." I heard very distinctly as Snape's heavy footsteps swiftly exited the classroom, followed by Sarah's light ones.

We waited for the sound of their footsteps to drift away, and only after they were out of earshot did we step out. Much to our delight, Snape left the potions door wide open, and we were granted easy access to his storage shelves.

I pulled a piece of parchment out of my pocket and looked it over.

Lacewing flies (stewed for 21 days)


Powdered bicorn horn


Fluxweed (picked at full moon)

Shredded Boomslang skin

A bit of the person one wants to turn into(typically hair)

I showed the list to the rest of the group.

"Oh, I know where all of this is!" Lori exclaimed. "Who has the extendable pockets again?"

"Me," June said, shoving her whole arm into a pocket in the front of her robes, and it seemingly disappearing into nothing.

"Alright, come here." She motions towards the shelves.

June stepped forward, and Lori grabbed all of the bottles and packages needed with a speed that was surprising, and slightly concerning. She quickly shoved them into June's pocket and smiled sweetly at Elio.

"How the bloody hell did you know where all of these are?" June gawked.

"All I'm going to say," Elio answered, "is that if you want to have a good smoke sesh, Lori is the woman to go to."

"No fucking way," it was my turn to gasp, "you?"

Lori nodded, giggling. "I don't actually deal, I just have stashes."

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