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Christmas morning crept carefully through the door of my home, and I was awoken by sunlight streaming through my window. Thick snow covered the ground outside, and it was nearly blinding to look at. I felt the chilly air on my skin and lazily yawned, bathing in the heat radiating off my blanket.

My owl was perched on her stand, her eyes closed peacefully. I slowly got out of bed, shivers coursing up my back as my feet hit the cold hardwood floors.I slowly got dressed, enjoying the morning quiet. It began to snow outside again, and I could see little kids dragging their sleds across the snowed over pavement.I tiptoed downstairs, Incas was my mom was asleep, which she wasn't. She was already up and hovering around the kitchen, obviously preparing for guests.

"Good morning dear!" She clapped her hands together, "Happy Christmas!"

"Happy Christmas mum." I smiled.

"You ought to help me with some of the cooking, seeing as we need to impress your boyfriend." She cooed, pushing some buttons on the oven.

We got everything ready and by three pm the first knock at our door was heard. I sauntered out of the kitchen and opened the door. Vincent stood in the doorway, holding a large bag.

"What have you got there?" I asked, poking at it.

"A present for you of course." He chuckled, stepping inside.

"You didn't have to." I blushed furiously, taking the bag from him and peering inside.

There was an expensive-looking black fur coat with a matching fur hat.

"Vinny, you spent an awful lot on this-" I stammered, but Vincent pulled me into a hug before I could finish my sentence.

"Nonsense," he planted a kiss on the top of my forehead. "There is nothing too expensive for you."

"Oh Vincent!" My mom waddled out of the kitchen, her bright pink apron still on. "Happy Christmas!"

"Happy Christmas Mrs. Stone," Vincent stretched out his hand, but my mom walked right past it and pulled him into a warm embrace.

"It's such a pleasure having you here!" She said cheerily.

"It's a pleasure being here." Vincent grinned, wrapping his arm around me. "Thank you for inviting me."

"Make yourself at home." My mom nodded gleefully.

I walked Vincent into the Kitchen, chatting absentmindedly with him about nothing that mattered. I felt perfectly content.

"Hey darling," Vincent suddenly interrupted something I was saying.

"Hm?" I looked over at him questioningly.

"As much as I love this chat, I need to go to the bloody bathroom right now, or I'm going to burst." He grinned, and I chuckled.

"Down the hall." I pointed at the bathroom door.

"Thanks, love," Vincent said, placing a quick kiss on my lips before hurrying away.

Just as the bathroom door closed, another knock came at the door. This time my mom was the one to answer, and I could hear cheerful voices echoing from the foyer.

"Oh, she's in the kitchen." I heard my mom's muffled voice say.

Only moments later Oliver Wood stepped through the kitchen door. For a moment it was as if time slowed, and I felt that warm familiar feeling. Snowflakes that haven't yet melted peppered his hair and clothes, and I could see a few still resting on his long dark eyelashes. His lips and cheeks were rosy from the cold, standing out against his pale skin. He wore his signature smirk, and although I was accustomed to hating it with every fibre of my being, I couldn't help but be drawn to it at the moment. It's almost as something about his demeanour changed, making him seem almost different.

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