Chapter 20: Epilogue

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*3 Years Later*
Sungchan and I had gotten married about two years ago, and we've been living the happy life ever since. Today, I got some great news. I went to the United States Embassy and they told me that I have successfully earned my permanent residency for South Korea. I was able to quit my part-time job and was able to find a much better, full time job as a secretary at SM Entertainment. I have Sungchan to thank for getting me this job. As for Baekhyun and I, we've been doing live, in person vocal lessons for the past three years since I started living in Seoul. On the side, I'm also an independent artist as well. I do singing as a hobby, and for fun, I do some busking at DDP, or  Dongdaemun Design Plaza. Alongside singing, I also do some choreography in public at the same place, and I've earned some money from doing that. People really like my voice and how well I dance. Well, I can thank my amazing vocal teacher, Baekhyun, and dance teacher, Kai. They have taught me and lead me to where I am today.

Later on that day, I found out that I am pregnant. Sungchan and I thought that it is a good time to have children. At this time, Sungchan is 24 and I am 22, both ages are in international age. Sungchan doesn't need to go to the military for at least 4 more years, so he believes that it is good timing as well. The next 9 months, Sungchan had asked for paternal leave from NCT so he could support me during my pregnancy. He promised that he would be with me every day of the pregnancy, and never leave my side for this period of time. I really appreciate Sungchan for taking 9 months off from work. I know it can be hard to take a hiatus for so long, but SM Entertainment understands his situation, and happily gave him the time off so he can support me. That is what I truly appreciate about SM Entertainment. At times, they can be the worst company, but at most times, they are a great company. They deserve to be in the Big 3 K-Pop companies.

*9 Months Later*
I am currently in the hospital, having my baby girl with Sungchan by my side. He is squeezing my hand and is giving me that emotional support I need.
"You've got this, babe. Fighting!" Sungchan exclaimed.
"Ah, it hurts so much." I groaned in pain.
"You're going to be okay." Sungchan said, reassuring me.

About 10 hours later, our baby girl is here. When I saw her, I knew exactly what I should name her. I named her Athena. Her full English name is: Aphrodite Athena Jung. I had Sungchan choose a Korean name for her. Sungchan chose the Korean name: Jung Mi-Cha. This Korean name means; beautiful daughter. Looks like great minds think alike, because Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom, handicraft, and warfare. Sungchan thought it was really cool that I gave our daughter Greek goddess' names. He also thinks that the names are really pretty. Now with our daughter born, we registered right away, then took her to our apartment. We moved into a three bedroom apartment to accommodate our ever-growing family. Sungchan couldn't get over how cute Aphrodite is. We don't knew whether to call her by her Korean name or English name. Sungchan will most likely speak Korean with her and call her Mi-Cha, whereas, I'll speak English with her and call her Aphrodite. It will be a little complicated, but I hope as she grows up, she will start to understand the difference between the two languages, and become bilingual.
"She's so pretty." Sungchan said.
"I know. Aww." I said, staring down at Aphrodite.
"I can't wait to watch her grow up." Sungchan said.
"Me too." I said.
"I'll invite our friends to come see her, okay?" Sungchan asked.
"Okay, go ahead." I said.

Sungchan calls up a few of his childhood friends along with his friends from NCT. I also invited Baekhyun and Kai over because I know that they'll love to meet Aphrodite. Soon, a bunch of our friends come over and see Aphrodite/Mi-Cha. Since most of our friends are Korean, they call her by her Korean name. Everyone besides Mark and Johnny who call her by her English name. Mark told me that he thinks her name is really pretty. I thanked Mark and told him the reason behind it is because I truly love Greek mythology and the history behind it. I always though that Greek goddess and gods' names would be a cool thing to name my kids. Besides Greek goddess/god names, I also had a few other ideas. Aphrodite and Athena just stuck with me, so that's why I chose those names to give to her. By the time all our friends left, I was getting tired, so I asked Sungchan to watch Aphrodite while I take a nap. I am so exhausted from giving birth and also the pregnancy. I hope my next pregnancy isn't as bad as my first.

So, this is the end of Sungchan and I's story. It had all begun with me taking vocal lessons from Baekhyun. He was the one who had given me this amazing opportunity to go meet NCT and his EXO members in the first place. If I had never met Baekhyun, none of this would have been possible. I am forever grateful for Baekhyun and the things he's been able to teach me. Now, I'm married to Sungchan, an NCT member, and we plan on expanding our family later on. We hope that we raise Aphrodite to live up to her name, and be just as pretty as her name suggests she will be. A year or two after having Aphrodite, we had a baby boy we named: Heracles. This is the Greek god of sports, athletes, health, agriculture, fertility, trade, oracles, and divine protector of mankind. I thought since Sungchan was an athlete in his younger days, that it would be cool to pay homage to that with our son's name. His Korean name is: Jung Kyung-Cha.

Our children, Aphrodite and Heracles, grew up in Seoul, going to an ordinary elementary and middle school, until they realized their dream of becoming idols. Like their father, they had this passion for performing, singing, dancing, and rapping that they had a talent for since they were little. Aphrodite goes by the nickname AJ now because she thinks it'll make for a cool stage name. Heracles goes by a similar nickname, but using his Korean initials: KC. Both Aphrodite and Heracles decided to go by these nicknames because if they were to ever debut, it would be easy to pronounce, and would make for some cool logos. Both of them auditioned for SM Entertainment and passed. They would soon go on to become trainees, training with other children of former idols. Most notably, Kai of EXO, his son is also a trainee. Baekhyun had a daughter without telling anyone he had married quietly and had a daughter to begin with. They became best friends because of who their fathers are, bonding over that fact. Their fathers are former idols, and they will strive to become the best idols they can, for the sake of their dads. AJ and KC will have ended up debuting in a sibling co-ed group with another pair of siblings. They lived out their lives in the spotlight, just like Sungchan had done so many years ago.

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