On My Window Sill

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Chi, chi, chi
A shrill sound rang.
On my window sill,
A little bird sang,

Chi, chi, chi
It flapped it's wings,
And opened its beak,
As wide as a ring.

Chi, chi, chi
The Little fellow cheeped,
It waited for it's mother,
To bring it some feed.

Lo! And behold
The mother bird arrived,
She brought along some goody,
For the little one's appetite.

Chi, chi, chi
Again echoed around,
As the mother bird fed,
The little one flounced.

The baby and the mother,
Cuddled and hopped,
And once again,
She flew off,

For the little bird sang,
Chi, chi, chi anew,
Time for some more feed,
The mother bird knew.

She fed it's baby a few more times,
And soon the two flew away,
Waving at me their good byes.

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