She was my best friend.

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Chapter 7

Vic's P.O.V

"Okay."I reply,staring down at the chestnut mahogany desk.Mr.Watson,the Principle,sits a few feet away from me in a sharp black suit and fresh white shirt,his brown hair with the tiniest bit of grey is combed neatly,he would be late 30's/early 40's at least,he looks quite young for his age,some girls in this school would say he's handsome for a n 'old dude.'

A few minutes ago I just had to explain to him what had happened,as he wasn't in yesturday.

"Aaron's story was different to yours."He replies in a smooth tone,leaning back in his chair.


"Who was the girl again?"


"Clary Winters?"

"Uh yeah I think so."

"So he was being a douche to her."The good thing about him is that he can say things like douche and it would be normal,he's very laid back which is cool and he knows about my uh self harm and shit(obviously the whole school knows) but he doesn't make a big deal of it.


"And you what,see and like become a hero?"I rub my arm awkwardly and look up for a brief moment and Mr.Watson raises his eyebrow.I look back down at the desk.

"I just didn't want her getting hurt..."

"Alright brave of you kid."

"I guess,I didn't really know what I was doing,I tell him to stop and next thing I know I'm getting beat up."He remains silent.I look up and his grey eyes look back basically saying 'continue,' so I do. "I just I don't know care about this girl I don't even know and I don't want to care about anyone because sometimes caring about someone leads to getting hurt,I've experienced that."

"So have I,I know how you feel,but sometimes you've got to let go of that fear because there's no point in caring about nobody but yourself-"

"But I'm not just caring about myself."I protest,getting slightly annoyed,that's all I ever get 'you only ever care about yourself,what a loser,' stuff like that.

"Yes I know I'm just saying."

" is this all cleared up?"

"Yeah,you can go back to class now."


"No problem thats what I'm here for."

I stand up and grab my bag,heading towards the door,opening it then saying a final goodbye then going out to the empty corridor.

Well that was sorta awkward.

Clary's P.O.V

This day has been pure shit,all I've been getting is 'slut,whore,skank,thot,bitch,tramp' etc. And it's been really bringing me down all day,like I didn't even do anything!When I see that fucking asshole I swear to god I will kick him so hard in the balls they'll fall off,I'll probably get hate for that too but yeah,it would be worth it.

Walking to the canteen sucks,everyone looks at me disgustedly,probably thinking
Wow she is such a slut
Look at the Shape of her ew
She's sooo sad,how pathetic
Omg she's probably a prostitute or some shit

Like wtf people,why do they all believe this shit? How stupid are they?Just because one of the most popular people in the school say some shit about another person doesn't mean it's real!Oh my god I was to slap everyone who's whispering into eachothers ears or giggling.Ugh.

I sit at the empty table that I sat at yesturday and im kinda disappointed Vic isn't here.I eat my food slowly,resting my chin on my hand.I'm not even hungry,just pissed off as fuck.When people look at me I literally glare at them giving a look like 'look at me one more time and I'll rip out your eyes and make you eat them,' I groan and roll my eyes.

I continue to look around and realise I'm looking for Vic when I spot him and he sits in one of the chairs at my table.

"Hey."He says

"Hi."I say,smiling a little,finally some freaking company.I look at his face and see how bad the bruises and cuts on his face are."Oh my god your face Vic."

"What about it?"

"Are you okay?"

"If you mean okay as in slight pain and stuff than I am very okay."



"You get beat up."

"You don't need to be"

"But it was my fault."

"Clary shush."

"No."He sighs,"Fine I'll shut up."

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Dude it's fine."We sit in silence for a couple of minutes."So are you gonna eat?"

"Im not hungry."

"You need to eat."

"But I'm not hungry."

"Please eat."


"Oh my god,you need to!"He remains silent and looks at the table."Sorry..." I say and realise that he has an eating disorder.

"It's fine...anyway how was your day?"He asks,changing the subject.

"Pretty shit to be honest."

"Why's that?"

"You didn't hear?"

"Hear what?"

"That I'm a slut that asked Aaron if I could be his girlfriend if I let him fuck me?"I say throwing down a chip

I was nibbling on.

"Wait what?"He asks looking up

"That's what he said to his girlfriend,turns out his girlfriend is one of the popular girls in the school,the bitch told everyone in the school and everyone believes it,dumb fucks."I glare at the students looking at me and Vic,folding my arms.

"What the fuck?That so did not happen!Which girl?"

"Um..."I look round an spot her near the top of the dinner hall."There the one near the top in the orange skirt,strawberry blonde curly hair."Nodding my head

"Ah her."

"You know her?"

"Who doesn't?"

"I don't know."I reply shrugging.

"But I know her a little bit more than anyone,well did."

"What you mean?"He looks at the table then looks up again,sighing.

"Im saying that she was my best friend."

Just a boy with scars(A Vic Fuentes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now