They're a part of me

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Chapter 9

Clary's P.O.V


Once again the alarm for school goes off,I groan and try to find my phone around my bed and find it,turning the alarm off and yawning.Ugh so tired right now. I sit up and stretch my arms a bit,eventually letting my arms drop. Wow day three in a new school,how exciting.Been there a total of 18 hours and already people hate me,haha freaking douchetards. Anyway,I stand up stretching once again like my life depended on it,I glance at myself in the mirror and almost die,wow I look that bad and I probably stink so yeah,this would be a good time for a shower. Suddenly my phone vibrates,indicating that I have a message from someone. I open the message and see its from an unknown number,da fuq is this person.
>heyy my little slut
It says.Um no I am not a slut.It's more than likely Aaron ugh.
>So is this the fuckboy?
>Oh fuckboy? No no of course not
>Oh really then,what's your name?
>You know who it is
>For real dude
>Yes,you were probably thinking about me last night
>um no that was andy biersack sorry
>this is Aaron,much better than that emo fag
>haha nah,get a life dude,and stop being a little bitch with the rumors like jesus you're sad as fuck
>little bitch? That's you lol and what rumors? I didn't spread no rumors,promise
>gawd why are you so stupid
>gawd why are you so desperate for my dick
>uh no,that's your girlfriend,oh yeah you should probably tell her she looks like she rolled in a packet of chilli doritos kay?
>I know you are you don't have to say it
>I'll see you soon
>yeah good luck with that,just like you need some good luck seeing your dick it's that fucking small
>naw I don't need your luck pet
>go fuck a duck I need a shower kay.
>you should totally send me pics
>haha fuck off horny fuckboy I ain't sending you no fucking pictures so yeah goodbye.
>love you XD
>t-.-t K.

Ugh what a dick like seriously? I roll my eyes and set the phone down,getting my shower things and going into the bathroom.I turn the shower on and wait for it to heat up.I go to the mirror and look at my appearance,in response to that I sigh and shrugg,taking off my clothes and hopping into the shower.

A couple of Le minutes laterrrrrr...

I step outta the nice warm shower,wrapping a fluffy towel around my body and also on for my head.
Things most I hate about showering:
~having a lot of hair to wash
~being cold after stepping out of shower
~drying hair
I dry my body and put on a clean pair of underwear and a bra.I go to my wardrobe to get some clothes. I pull out my black Jack Daniel's vest top,a red flannel shirt,black skinny jeans and random socks coz SOCK GOBLINS ALWAYS TAKING THEM. And my usual black converse. I get my hair dryer and turn it on,and blow dry my hair which literally looks afronised after just saying haha.Anywayy hair And crap is done,everything is done,I make a cup of tea because I love tea and yeahhh.

(Sorry for probably boring bit up there lol ^ oh well)

Vic's P.O.V

I'm already up and I probably look really bad.I go to the bathroom and go to the mirror,I look at my face first
~tanish clear skin
~dark brown eyes
~wavy/curly brown hair down past shoulders
~straightish kinda nose
~nose ring
~thickish brown eyebrows
~stupid smile in my opinion
(obviously I have the marks from that asshole obviously)
Ugh I hate my appearance to be honest.
Now my body. I just sigh at this. I have my body,I always have. I'm currently wearing a pair of jeans and no top and my arms and stuff are obviously showing. All I see is fat,like I just see and feel fat,here and here and here and here,pointing to parts of my body I hate. It's mainly my stomach and legs. I suck in my stomach and make all my ribs show,imagine I finally got this thin?People tell me in skinny but I can't seem to believe it,I'll only properly believe it when I loose more weight,I've got to,I can't keep going on like this and hating my body and everything about it.
And then there's the cuts.
There's many that start from my lower wrist up to elbow mainly,I also have cuts on my legs too and they're easier to hide but I seem to prefer them on my arms. The cuts on my arms are old and new,there's still some scars from ones from months ago and there's ones from last night. They layer my arm,I'm a messy cutter so basically they just go in random directions and I don't really care how they look or if they are tidy.It would take me ages to count the amount of one's on my arms because there's that many. I run my finger in the bumpy surface that is my skin,I like the feeling,I don't know why I'm just weird. In a way it relaxes me and reminds me that my scars and cuts are still there. One reason I do cut is because of the scars,I don't know why. Lots of people be glad when they finally fade but I don't want mine to fade, In a way I do want them to because yeah people wouldn't see them but I need my scars,they're a part of me.Like when my scars fade,I feel lost and don't feel right so I'll eventually cut again to bring them back.
I shake my head,okay enough thoughts on this.

Okay sorry for short chapter but I still have more I'm gonna update so yeah ^^

Just a boy with scars(A Vic Fuentes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now