But you're making it.

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Chapter 11

Clary's P.O.V

Art class with Vic yas. I love art class coz yeah I love art. It's probably one of my main talents and I tend to draw/paint a lot at home. It's very fun in my opinion and yeah it's a good way to express myself like Vic likes to write.
Me and Vic talk as we enter the art classroom and we find Mrs Mc Keelen,a medium height, medium length haired brunette around the age of 25,setting out oil paints and things around the classroom,she looks at us,stops what she's doing and fixes a stray hair from her ponytail behind her ear.
"Oh hey students so yeah today as you can see,I have laid out some oil paints for yous and some canvas' because today I'm letting yous paint whatever you want as the start of your art projects."
"Art project?"One student asks,half confused,half annoyed.
"Yes art projects." A couple of students groan and sigh but I don't mind to be honest."In these art projects you can have a mixture of stuff your interested in,for example flowers and rain drops. I will expect 2-3 drawings and at least two paintings and I don't want it to be boring so yeah I'm sure yous can use your teenage brains to find something cool. The painting yous will do today don't have to be in your project unless you want it to,this painting you do today can just be practise and it must be from your own mind so no copying anything.Also this project involves photography so I will need a couple of images of something you're focusing on.I will explain this more next class okay?"
There is a mixture if groans and okay's in the class. I don't know why the people are so annoyed about this,I think it will be fun and it's a bonus we get to do what we want. Mrs Mc Keelan nods and gestures to the stands with our canvas' and she goes into the store to get whatever.The class immediatly starts to chat.I go to one and Vic goes to the one next to me.I look over at Vic and I smile.
"Yay." I say and he just shruggs.
"Too much work." He replies pouting slightly.
Gawd Vic don't do that,it's cute._.
"I don't mind,it will be fun." I say optimistically
"If you say so."
"Hey be happy you get to do whatever you want haha." I say as I poke him on the shoulder."Be appreciative."
"I am but...what to paint...?You got any idea what you're gonna paint?"
"Nope,you got any ideas?"
"Not a clue."
"Sucks mate,you'll think of something."
"Hopefully haha."
After a couple of minutes of preparation we finally get to paint. I tie my hair up just to make sure it doesn't get into the paint and roll my sleeves up a little.
"You might wanna roll your sleeves up too Vic." Mrs Mc Keelen says to Vic,some students snicker and he blushes embarrassed by something.
"Uh no I'll be fine,so what if I get paint on my sleeves."She shruggs and walks off,I look at Vic and see that he's staring at his canvas.
"What's up?" I say to him,raising my eyebrow whilst looking at him. I see him blink and look up.
"Oh nothing much really." He looks kinda I don't know,not okay.
"You okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
"You sure...?"
"Just wondering,nothing wrong with that right?"
"Yeah...yeah." I look at him for a couple of seconds trying to figure this boy out. Vic looks back and he looks like I offended him or something. "What?"He asks
"Nothing." I reply looking at my canvas instead.
After a while people start to paint,I pick up the paint brush and dip it into the black paint and gently dab it on the surface of the canvas. I look over at Vic and he's still looking at his canvas.
"You haven't got any ideas yet?"I say looking over at him still holding the paint brush.He looks over and sighs.
"Do something you like what you find beautiful,interesting and gives you inspiration." I say looking back to my canvas and I hear him say something too quiet for me to quite catch.
"Huh?"I ask confused slightly.
"Nothing."He blushes and looks away.

Vic's P.O.V
And it just slips out.
"You." it's barely a whisper but Clary turns around too look at me,confusion on her face.
"Nothing." I reply quickly looking back at my canvas and I can feel myself blushing shit.
Um what the fuck are you doing Vic? Why did you say you are you stupid? Good thing she didn't hear you.
Whatever,back to the canvas.

About an hour into the class i've finally got something. I look over at Clary's and my first reaction is wow.
"What." Clary says as she spots me staring at her painting. It's basically a painting of some sort of bird,it's back curled slightly backwards but flying. One half of the bird is jet black,small purple streaks on the feathers,some of the feathers on the bird are torn and some feathers fall off the bird as it's in paused flight. Some areas you can see bits of red in between the wings or in gaps of feathers,more than likely blood,this side of the bird looks battered and exhausted.
The other side is different,a glowing white shade covers the bird,making the bird look pure and innocent. The wings are in perfect shape and aren't falling out or torn.
"Wow that's..."
"Poop? Haha."
"It's awesome wow."
"Oh uh thanks haha,not really but yeah thanksss."
"No really trust me it is." I say smiling at her,she looks at me and looks back at her painting, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
"Thanks." She says kinda quietly
"No problem. So you wanna explain the painting?"
"Uh okay haha.Well yeah basically this side is a raven." She says pointing to the black part of the bird."And this is a dove."She says pointing to the other side of the bird."Now there's two meanings of this. The first meaning is:
The raven part is the outside of a person,what the people see,they see a weak,damaged human who is struggling and basically can't cope.And the other side is the dove,the part that the people don't see. The people assume their opinion on the person by the raven side,what they think they know about the person. The dove shows that the person may be strong and amazing on the inside,that the person could be beautiful if they just got to know them and what they assumed about the person.But this person could be the strongest fighter about,and believe they can go through anything if they tried and aren't going to let people's assumptions on them change that.
It's basically the strength and beauty inside a person.
Now the second meaning.
Okay well imagine this is a person,their outside is the dove,they're beautiful,strong,amazing,perfect,from what the people think. But this person is the raven on the inside,they hide their problems and don't let them show,the look strong on the outside but they could be dying on the inside. They are the sorta person that looks normal and are happy,they show no sense of what they are in the inside,broken,damaged,can't take it.
Basically the secrets of a person.
The meaning of the bird being in flight is that flying is basically like life,you gotta fly to continue,the raven side is struggling where as the dove is flying fine.
You could be both sides,maybe you show a little of the inside but you hide it also,maybe you're amazing on the inside but some people think you're amazing on the outside,maybe you're struggling like the raven but at times you're fine like the dove? There's just a couple of ups and downs but you're making it.
"I don't know it's stupid." She rolls her eyes and smiles. The class seem to have gone quiet,probably listening to Clary and I look around and they all go back to their paintings.
"Stupid? What the hell that's amazing Clary, all I can think right now is woah,there's so much meaning to that it's just woah." She laughs and shruggs
"I just you know get all deep and meaningful at times when I have to give a meaning to what art I do I don't know."
"Well it's freaking awesome,I love it."
"Aw haha thanks."She smiles shyly at me and I smile back.
"Fistbump to being totally awesome?Haha." I say holding out my fist.
"Yas fistbump." And we fistbump.

Just a boy with scars(A Vic Fuentes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now