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Chapter 8

Clary's P.O.V

I stare at him in disbelief.

"She was your best friend?You're telling me that that thing that's as orange like a freaking orangutan was your best friend?"

"Uh yeah."

"What the fuck?"

"I know it's hard to believe but yeah she was my best friend before she kinda went all bitchy on me.-."He says,looking at the table whilst tapping his fingers on the wood.

"Well what happened like?"

"I'll tell you like somewhere else there's too many people here..."He looks around and raises his eyebrows.

"Okay."I reply.

"Okay."He repeats.

"Okay."I say again

"Okay."He replies,once again.

"Okay how about we stop this okay shit okay?"I say and he laughs a little.

"Okay,We will stop all this okay stuff because okay is a really boring word and okay is overused,okay?"

"Okay,So you're saying it's overused like okay,okay,okay,okay,okay,okay,okay,okay,okay?Okay?OKAY?"

"Exactly haha."

"What even?"I ask

"I don't know haha."

"I'm full."I say,picking up the remains of my chips and throwing them in the bin and go back to Vic."Do you wanna get outta here?I don't really like too many people you know and like yeah I'm pretty sure I hate all of them haha."

"Sure,let's go."He gets outta his chair and we walk outta the canteen,I feel people's eyes on my back all the way out of the canteen but I don't even care.

Vic's P.O.V

Me and Clary walk beside eachother slowly,my hands are stuffed in my pockets and I'm walking with my usual awful posture. We are outside much better than being inside,but like yeah I kinda always stay inside because there's people around and yeah if I spent my time outside by myself it's very possible I could just get beat up by a couple of assholes ugh,not that anyone would particulary attempt to help.
Anyway,it's a pretty okay day,there is a lot of light grey clouds floating in the sky,and from the small gaps in the cotton ball like forms the sky looks a pale blue.There is a slight breeze but it isn't cold.There is barely anyone outside besides a couple of younger students. We both remain quiet as we walk around the place and then she stops and turns to me.
"So,you were gonna tell me about le bitch?Haha."She says
"Uhhh maybe haha" I reply. We find some weird metal chair things and sit down,they're surprisingly comfy.
The thing is I can't mention anything about my self harming,coz I know for sure she would just abandon me like the rest and I don't want to loose another friend,but do I actually class her as a friend? Well she bothers to hang around me and talks to me so why not...I will just have to be careful, unfortunately I used to be the sorta person that could easily trust anyone but in the end got let down *cough cough* back stabbed basically. So much fake friends,so much fake people in the world ugh. Pretty sick of it but yeah I guess I can hang around Clary,I just have to be careful what I say and do not let her see my scars or that's it,friendship over.I kinda get caught up in thinking until Clary starts clicking her fingers in my face.
"Yo boy,stop day dreaming haha."
"I wasn't day dreaming,just thinking about stuff."
"Haha I'm sure,you were obviously day dreaming about me because I am just very fab."We laugh
"Oh of course I was 'day dreaming' about you,because yeah who wouldn't." I say sarcastically
"Boy I sense sarcasm.Am I not fab?"She raises her eyebrow.
"No,no if course you're fab,sorry for the sarcasm Miss Clarissa."I laugh using her proper first name.
"Miss Clarissa? Gawd don't call me that haha."
"Haha so what then...Clary is short for Clarissa right?"She sighs and rolls her eyes.
"Nuuuuuuu,no Victor,Victor sucks."
"VICTOR,VICTOR,VICTOR." She chants and I stare at her with a bored expression and slowly shake my head.
"No Clarissa,no." I whisper.
Suddenly the bell rings,wow that was quick.
"Ugh back to shitty ass class with stupid people." She says whilst groaning.
"Yep the joys of this crappy school and it's wonderful students." I say whilst rolling my eyes and getting up.
Clary gets up too and fixes her hair.
"I haven't even been in this school a week and I already hate it."
"Haha I've been here ages,think about how I must feel."
"Sucks dude."
"You think?"
We start walking towards the entrance of the school again,talking about random shit. We get into the hall filled with a shitload of students chattering and shouting whilst making their way to their next class.
"What class you got next?"I ask her,raising my voice a little so she can hear me over the stupid loud people.
"Art,how about you?"
"Biology blah."
"Oh so I guess we shall go our separate ways then? Haha."
"Yeah I guess so." The art department and the science rooms are on opposite sides of the school.
"Oh you didn't tell me about the thingy!"
"Yeah best friend story?"
"Oh right uhh sorry I'll tell you another time haha."
"You better because I'm very curious."She says whilst smiling.
"Okay get your ass to class now or you'll be late."
"Okay mom haha." I roll my eyes and she holds out her fist. "Fistbump?"
"You betcha." And we fist bump.

Just a boy with scars(A Vic Fuentes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now