Just a boy with scars(A Vic Fuentes fanfic)

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Chapter One

Clary's P.O.V


The sound of my phone vibrating wakes me from unconscience,making me open my eyes to a bright,unfamiliar room.Oh yeah.This is my new room.I sit up and rub my eyes,stretching as I stand up from the bed onto the wooden floorboards underneath my feet.First day of school,In a new country,this is going to be fun.I go to my wardrobe,already filled with my clothes now,and pick out some clothes.Navy skinny ripped jeans,grey t-shirt with a black dream catcher design on it,black converse which are scuffed as fuck but oh well and black zip-up hoodie. I throw them on hastily and straighten my hair quickly and apply some quick dark black eyeliner.I don't wear any other makeup besides that and yeah if I wore any face stuff like foundation and crap I would more than likely break out and have the worst skin blah.I have dark chestnut coloured hair,which I tinted red but it has faded a shitload and really does need some re-dying so yeah at the minute it's just at a brown-ish-red I don't know,also I have a sorta side fringe that sweeps over to the right(IT IS SUCH A BITCH TO GET TO SIDE RIGHT OMF) it's also not layered coz I ain't got time for that XD ,bright blue eyes and a nose ring,nothing particuly exciting about me at all.I go down the stairs.Mum is there drinking a cup of coffee and she looks tired.

"Are you ready for your first day at school?" Mum asks me,looking up.Technically it's not my first at school,more like my first day if school here.

"Yeah,I guess." I grab my satchel that is hanging on one.of the wooden chairs.

"Do you want any breakfast?"

"No it's okay mum,i've got to go now or i'll be late."

"Okay dear." I kiss her on the cheek then head out the door.I pick my plain black earphones out of my pocket,untangling the little shits and sticking them in my ears,getting my phone out and shuffling my music. I've been in this town,what two days? Well a new country,new town,a new school.How hard can it be?


I arrive at the school gates,people walking around gossiping about that football game or what they should wear to the dance blah blah.It is so different seeing everyone in their normal clothes because I am used to boring old uniforms.I look around,of course there's that group of barbies,the nerds,the footballers etc. I walk in the direction of the new school,avoiding the peoples stares.Of course I am going to have to go through being the 'new girl' urgh.People may be staring at me too because my bag is full of band logos or I have a nose ring or i'm just different.Yeah all of the above.I walk past a group of girls who look at me like i'm a tramp and walk through the doors into the crowded corridor.I head in the direction I think is where the office would be.After a minute of pushing and squeezing past people I emerge to the front office,I think. The grey headed secretary gives me a timetable,a school planner and a map of the school.I thank her then look at my timetable.Great it's biology first and I have no idea where that is.I walk around looking for Mr Renolds biology classroom.I fail miserebly and I am left standing in a corridor with busy people,pushing and shoving past me.I glance around for someone to ask for directions and a spot someone.I ask them for directions and they show me to Mr Renolds class and thank them.When I get into the classroom I am ten minutes late.I mutter sorry to Mr Renolds and sit in an empty seat.


The day has been boring so far,class has been shitty,nobody has talked to me but that's alright because I don't want to talk to them.It's now dinner time and I am starving so I head in the direction I think the canteen is.I get my dinner and look for a seat.They're all taken besides a table which only one boy sits at,he's staring at his food like he doesn't want to est it or be here at all.I go over beside the table.

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