Like I have sex hair or some shit.

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Chapter 14

Clary's P.O.V

We cruise on our boards,skating at a normal pace on the empty pathways. I follow Vic to wherever he's bringing us to. The sky is a nice pale blue colour,small white clouds fly overhead. It's warmish,a little blowly and I hate wind but thankfully my hair is tied up. I follow him along the paths,through some shitty alleyways and behind some houses. We talk all the way whilst skating,at one stage the path goes downwards a little and I almost nearly fell then unexpectedly  grabbed onto Vic's top to stop myself from falling,me giving him a "Uh sorry",letting go of his top and him returning me with a smile and saying "It's fine as long as you don't rip my top off next time."
"Next time?" I smirked,raising an eyebrow.
"Um..." He had said trailing off.
"You said it not me haha." I say winking then laughing at him. He had rolled his eyes and replied.
"No shit Sherlock."

"Dude are we near the place yet?"I ask
"Yes actually pretty close haha,follow me this way." He goes right and I follow him and we end up at a fence and we both stop."We have to climb over it."
"Sure thing." I get off my board and grab onto the fence.
"You need any help there?"
"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't climb a fence,I could kick your ass if I wanted to boy" I reply sticking my tongue out at him.
"If you say so aha."
I pull myself over the fence,using my feet to help me and I swing my body over,landing on the other side.
"Hey could you throw my board over? I forgot to take it haha."
"Sure." He throws both our boards over and climbs over,landing beside me also.
We seemed to have ended up on  a large space beside one of the many big rivers. Above me to the left is a bridge. If I look around I can see a weared path that looks as if it isn't used anymore and some junk littered around it. I sorta look around in a circle studying the place and the river a couple of metres away and a couple of feet down below the actual wall thing we are on? SO HARD TO EXPLAIN
"Here?" I question and he looks at me replying.
"Don't complain aha."
"Whyyyy." I say getting on my board.
"Because I said so now shush." He says whilst grabbing my arm,smiling and skating,still pulling at my arm so I follow him. We skate for a tiny bit until he stops.
"It's like not the best place but I like it. No people." Vic says.
He has brung us to this place with a small abandoned skate park by the looks of it. A couple of small abandoned buildings behind it,walls littered in graffiti and a couple of cigarettes and other things lying around. To be honest I find it peaceful and cool. Vic skates over and skates down into part of the small dips of the shitty skatepark,the board sounding loud against the wood.


After a while of skating,kicking shit,talking about the graffiti and more talking,we decide to climb one of the small buildings. By this time it's probably around 6pm and the sun is already gotten into the setting mode,making the sky a vivid orange mixed with bits of yellow. We leave our boards where they are and I follow him. Vic told me he's climbed this a shitload of times and prefers to climb on the outside of the building rather than the inside coz apparantly it stinks in there haha. He climbs on a severly graffitied wall and I follow. We sorta get up on a mini roof,climbing onto the proper high roof. It's not really that high maybe two stories but its cool. You can see the sun from behind the bridge,the now dark water of the river,all the graffitied walls,some house in the distance,some dark green leaves rustling in the light breeze in a tree,some cars driving over the bridge,black birds hopping on the grass,a lone stray cat scrambling over people's fences,the lights starting to be switched on some people's houses,some people strolling on the pavements,the 24hr shop not making much business and the sign still illuminating a part of the pavement with a green and yellow light.
We go to the edge and sit down,our legs swinging over the edge.
"I like it up here." I say to Vic and he looks at me and nods.
"Same, you do not have a clue how many times I've went to get away from shit."
"I'm going to assume that's a lot of times aha."
"Pretty much."
I scooch over to him so I can sit closer,I pinch his cheek,he looks at me and I smile.
"Postive thoughts." I say
"Okay." He says and returns the smile. He slips his arm around my shoulders and I lean into him. He starts humming a random tune and he squeezes my shoulder and I poke his tummy in response and he chuckles. I don't know how long we just sat there like that,but I know it  isn't awkward. To be honest it is actually quite comforting and for some reason I have a sense of security here.

Vic's P.O.V

I resist the temptation to literally smack/congratulate myself. Literally thought she'd shrugg my arm off her shoulders but surprisingly she didn't. I actually really like this, I like the way she just leant into me like it was normal,or the way some of her flyaway hairs tickle my nose,or the rate her breathing is,59 beats per minute,or the way she crosses her right leg over the left or-
Shush Vic don't be creep. I didn't even realise how observant I was until I found myself counting the freckles on her face and studying the other features on her face. Omg Vic stop the creepiness.
"What?" Clary says realising I was looking at her and laughing.
"Uh nothing don't worry about it haha." I reply looking away
"You were looking at mee,wait do I look bad? Oh my god I bet you it's my-"
"You look good." I say surprising myself.
"I  probably don't,you're just saying I look good to be nice and not hurt my feelings." She moves away so she has room to fix her hair which is fine.I roll my eyes and sigh.
"No Clary you look good in all honesty trust me." She swings  her legs a couple of times and stays quiet for saying:
"No problemo." I smirk then slowly go to touch her hair,What I won't wreck it! Just like mess it a little and see her reaction. Before my hand gets near her hair she sees and grabs my arm.
"Nope."She says.
"Yes."I reply.
"Noopppeee." And she suddenly catches me off guard and sits on me,ruffling my hair a shitload and messing in completey.
"Dude!" I say and manage to get on top of her instead then mess her hair a shitload,"Payback!"
"Nooooo, you busted sofa!"She shouts,grabbing my arm away from her hair and I stop. I chuckle a little bit at her hair which is now wrecked completely,oops.
"Oh nice hair there."
"Oh my God I probably look like I have sex hair or some shit."
"It kinda does."
"Fuck you Victor Fuentes now my mum is probably gonna think we fucked or some shit gawd." She says whilst laughing and I join in.
"My hair probably isn't better." I say finally and fix my hair,smirking as my hair goes back into its normal state and Clary speaks.
"Oh my god can you not have freaking fab hair that goes back to normal coz mine ain't do that and the struggle is real."She says,trailing a finger down her cheek from her eye,pretending to cry.
"Poor you."
"Yes poor me. I deserve a hug come on aha." 
"Sure you do haha." So we sit up properly and hug,it's nice and lasts a couple of seconds. She's a good hugger to be honest.
"Hugs are bae."
"Yes hugs are bae."
And we decide it's time to go home.


Yeah I know it's not the best but yeahhh I actually liked writing this chapter tbh haha
It's kinda long?  Lol



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