All I want to do is slit your throat.

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Chapter 10

Clary's P.O.V

I walk into the school with the sorta facial expression when you raise your eyebrow slightly and push out your lips a bit at the side,also add a little pissed-offness to the look(my facial expression for 'not bothered for assholes today.')
I walk in with my hand on my satchel bag and flip my hair slightly,fuck the haters. A few girls look at me and whisper into eachothers ears,giggling but still look at me,I look at them and roll my eyes.Another couple of people see me and roll their eyes a shitload making it obvious and I hear them say loudly:
"Wow some people." And as I walk past them I just go:
"People like you." And continue on. After a couple more minutes of assbag people I finally reach my locker where I tell some people to move and find pages of different colours taped to the grey metal.
"Really?" I say as I rip a page off,it shows a very poorly drawn picture of me with the words "slut/whore/emo skank" etc. I scoff as I pull the rest off my locker and I hear people snicker behind me and I turn around and it's a couple of douchebags,2 dudes and 3 girls.I put one hand on my hip and the other up holding the paper now scrunched up in my hand.
"You's did these lame ass shit?"I ask raising my eyebrow.
"Nope."One girl with a brown ponytail says.
"Really gonna believe that."I roll my eyes once again whilst going over to a bin and firing the pages in the bin and turning back to find the stupid little group gone.
"Whatever." I say under my breath,going back to the locker,getting my books for the next few periods,stuffing them in my bag and slamming the locker closed.
It's 8:35am,form period starts at 9:05am,still a lot of time. I decide to go down to the canteen to get tea or something.I walk down the steps past more assholes and enter the canteen,only a few tables are occupied as it's kinda early but yeah.I get some tea and put some extra sugar in it(it has to be sweet or i don't like it.) I look around the canteen and spot them.Yes the little rolly polly around in chilli doritos gang -_- Vic had told me that Aaron's girlfriend,Vic's ex-best friend aka Lindsey Kadey,is basically the ringleader(obviously)and then she has her three "best friends" more than likely just girls she keeps around her to have more power,to make her seem more idk popular and shit and to just talk shit to them about others,I wouldn't class that as best-friendism.
My nicknames for them:
~Brunette girl with weird ass lips:flobofishlips
~Beached blonde hair girl with tiny nose:voldemorta(basically voldemort put his babies in a normal woman's baby creator and it created a baby with half a nose-voldemorta)
~Girl with shoulder length light brown hair and large ass ugly eyebrows(literally triangles at an angle not even joking):eyebrowuminati(mix of eyebrow and illumanati.Come on she's like perfect for the illumanti,well her eyebrows really.)
And ~Lindsey:Skinnyassdoritowithboobs
(skasdowibo for short)
Yep I'm such a weirdo but come on SKASDOWIBO XD

Vic's P.O.V

I sigh,bending down to pick up my styrofoam cup filled with coffee that is now lying on the ground,the coffee spilt on the gravel ground.Thanks losers ugh. Aaron's little gang of assbags decided to bash into me as they ran into the piece of shit school,pushing me down in the process like come on. I grab the cup and throw it into a nearby bin,wiping my hands free of any coffee on my jeans. I don't particuly like coffee but sometimes I need it,it's not like I'm the greatest sleeper. I check my phone,still some time till class,may as well get more coffee and let's hope this time no assbags decide to make me spill it and shit.
In the hallway people are being usual douche bags.
One dude:Yo Victor how was the Coffee?
Another dude:Hey where's your skank of a gf?
Some douche bag chick:Yeah she's such a slut *annoying ass laugh*
And you get the idea.
I roll my eyes and say nothing like always.Some dude steps in front of me and has a serious expression on his face.
"Uh hey I think this is yours and yeah."
"What is."
"This." He holds up a sharpener and give him a 'really bro?' facial expression."Here take it,I know you're probably dying to cut your arms right now so here,thank me later." He shoves the sharpener in my hands and walks away laughing as he reaches his mates. I don't say anything but really,what the fuck?I get pissed and walk past the group including the sharpener dude and stop.
"Oh yeah this isn't mine but thanks for the consideration mate,but you know I'm fine,I don't need to cut my arms because all I want to do is slit your throat." I literally put on a ^.^ facial expression and shove the sharpener back into his hands,do an extreme eye roll and continue my walk to the canteen.
Wow,where did this sass come from?
Clary probably.
I reach the steps and get into the canteen and bump into Clary.
"Oh hey!"She says carrying a styrofoam cup of tea and automaticly her facial expression brightens.
"Hey."I smile.
"What's up?"
"Just gonna get some coffee as Aaron's little prick army knocked me over and wasted my last cup,how about you?"I say raising my eyebrows for a brief second d and she shruggs.
"Nothing much really,just got some tea as you can see and just had a death stare with Skasdowibo over there."She says moving her shoulder to indicate who she's on about.
"Skasdowibo? Haha what the fuck."
"Ahh I get it."I reply,chuckling slightly.
"I also got nicknames for the rest of her 'friends' but I'll tell you it after."
"Haha okay."
We start to walk to the place where you get hot drinks and I get myself a large coffee with no sugar and very little milk and pay for it,taking a sip,it's bitter but oh well it's got caffeine.
"Ew coffee is bad enough but with no sugar? Damn boy I think I'd puke." Clary says scrunching up her nose and faking a puke noise.
"Haha its not that bad."I say taking a big gulp of the bitter liquid and it sends tingle through my body.
"Well whatever you say haha."I look past Clary and see the group including Lindsey and sigh,how did she became such a bitch? I know she used to be my best friend but still like what even.
"Let's leave now." I say before Lindsey comes over and talks to us and I spot her looking at us then talk to her stupid friends.
"Yeah okay." Clary replies and we go to the door and I open it,holding it for her because I'm a good dude like that.Clary smiles and we walk out of the canteen into the fresh air as we went out the door that leads to outside.
"So what class you got first?"Clary asks me sipping her tea whilst looking at me.
"Um I think it's..." I look down and try to remember,"Oh yeah I have art next."
"Oh my god same,which teacher?"
"Mrs Mc Keelan."
"Yass me too."
"Yass." I say in response,she seems very happy to be in the same class as me and to be honest I'm a bit happy too.
The bell rings and late students rush into the building.
"Shall we?"I say to Clary,pointing my hand to the school.
"Yes we shall."She replies.

Just a boy with scars(A Vic Fuentes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now