To your boyfriend.

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Chapter 13

Clary's P.O.V

Saturday mourning thank God.
I think as I open my eyes slowly remembering the fact that I have a lie in. I pull my blankets up around me a shitload,smiling coz I love my bed that much.I pull out my phone from under my pillow and check the time,1:53pm,wow already? I check my messeges and see messeges from Vic.
>You still sleeping?
>Yep you're sleeping
>Lazy ass XD
I smile and roll my eyes,typing.
He messeges quickly before I get a chance to send my messege
>Yo calm your dude tits Vic gawd IT'S THE WEEKEND IMA SLEEP ALL I WANT XD
>I GET IT WOMAN XD and no I do not have dude tits. Moobs are a no no for me thanks XD
>haha alright
>quick question
>go on?
>You uh doing anything today?
>haha nah,it will probably just be a lazy day for me,you know drinking tea and watching pewdiepie so XD
>lol same here
>and why does dear Victor ask?
>don't call me that dude aha and just wondering.
>yeah just wondering XD
>if y'all say so cx
A couple of seconds pass as he looks at the messege and starts to reply.
>So wanna hang out or something maybe like today? Or not,it's cool if you don't want to or is too busy or whatever
>Lol of course I would wanna hang out you assbag XD I was so waiting on you to ask that aha
>Well duh it was obvious haha
>lol okay then
>so meeting up?
>uhm anywhere will do tbh haha
>do you skateboard?
>actually do aha,hbu?
>yass,do you know anywhere good to skate and chill or?
>indeed I do aha
>haha yas
>so what time?
>I'll be at yours in like 20 okay?
>sure haha
>okay cyaa
>haha bye

OKAY SO IM MEETING UP WITH VIC LETS LOOK FAB coz you know,I don't wanna look awful,and no its not like I have a crush on Vic or

I set my phone down,inserting the chargerband walking over to my shitty ass stereo,a put a slightly scratched Suicide Season CD by Bring Me The Horizon in,skipping to Chelsea smile,one of my favourites.  I dance a little bit to the music and by dance I mean badly headbang and jump around.I walk over to my wardrobe,opening it and then all my clothes rolling out of my wardrobe and falling onto my floor. I roll my eyes and pull an outfit out of the pile of clothes. Black tank top,black shorts,black tights and red flannel. I put the clothes on,finding my black converse under my bed and stick them on. They're literally fucked haha,I have about 2 holes in each of the soles and they're so scuffed and I've had them for a year or more but hey I love them. I put my bracelets on,brush my stupid hair and straighten it coz it's like so ugly when it's not straightened. I tie it up in some sort of high ponytail and let my fringe down, putting some shitty eyeliner and mascara on.  Okay I think I look decent now haha.
I run down the stairs and make a quick cup of tea,man I love tea haha.
My mum is already down the stairs and she's watching some programme on the TV. She looks up at me when she notices im here.
"What are you all dressed up for?" She asks jokingly.
"Nothing much just going to hang out with my friend Vic." I say sitting down.
"Oh Vic?"
"Yes Vic haha," I say
"Is that the boy you're always talking about?"
"Haha I don't talk about him all the time mum."
"Do you like this boy?"
"Haha no he's just a friend."
"Are you sure?" She says smirking
"Yes I'm sure mother." I reply jokingly and roll my eyes
"I will have to meet this Vic."
"And you will haha."
"Woooo." She replies,imitating my voice
"Excuse me mom I do not sound like that."
"Well last time I heard you did."
"Go and watch your programme and stop trying to be as fab as me."
"Excuse me I am your mother,meaning that all the fabness you have all came from me, and as I'm the mothership of fabness I'm way fabber than you."
"Can you shush haha."
My mum is 39 and yeah she's pretty cool for a mum and she has great style too XD As yeah she's into metal and stuff so it's all good.
I hear a knock on the door and stand up.
"It's Vic!" I shout to my mum and I walk out of the livingroom and too the door. I open it and find Vic standing there in a black backwards snapback,band top,jeans and converse like mines and a rad board.
"Hey."  He says smiling
"Hey." I reply
"Hey Vic!" My mum shouts from the livingroon.
"It's my mum." I murmur to him and pull him into the living room and gesture to my mum."This is my wonderful fab mum."
"Uh hi Mrs Winters."
"Call me Amy,also this house is a mess,I would've cleaned it if I knew someone else was going to come in."
"Haha no it's fine really,super tidy actually." I sit down and pull Vic's arm to get him to sit down on the sofa beside me.
"So what age are you Vic?"
"Uh 15,I'll be 16 soon."
"You in many of Clary's classes in school?"
"Yeah a few thankfully." He says banging his knee against mine and I roll my eyes and smile at him.
"That's good. You know Clary talks about you all the time."
"I do not!" I protest
"Haha you do?" Vic chirps up
"Haha you do!" He says chuckling
"Shush." I reply and punch his arm.
"No violence Clary,especially not to your boyfriend."
"C'mon mum." I give her a "-_-" facial expression and she replies
"I'm joking haha anyways,I'll let you's two go,I'm probably wasting your time together." My mum says,emphasising the word together. "Oh and your board is in the cupboard under the stairs Clary."
"Okay thanks." I reply,getting up an finding my board. I go back in and get my board and some change just incase. "Okay going noww." I say to my mum and she kisses me on the head and I roll my eyes as Vic chuckles.
"Be safe."
"I shall mother."
"Okay bye I love you."
"Love you too." My mum replies and we walk out the front door.
As soon as the door closes Vic speaks
"Haha mummy's girl." He says sarcasticly
"Shut up mate."

Just a boy with scars(A Vic Fuentes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now