Fuck you dickface

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Chapter 2

Clary's P.O.V

Well I just remembered I have geography next and stupidly I forgot my books.I hurry to the lockers and I'm about to open my locker when someone stands against it.It's that asshole that made fun of Vic and yeah I chose to put him in the list of my hated people.

"Move."I say

"Well hello to you too."He replys sarcasticly.

"I said move."

"Now why would I do that?"

"So I can get my books dude so yeah move your ass outta the way."I see him look at my body in a way that makes me feel uncomfortable.

"Okay anything for you sweetheart."Urgh what the hell is he playing at?

"Sweetheart? Gawd,If you call me that again I will punch you in the gob.My name is Clary.C-L-A-R-Y?Clar-rey? Yeah you got that now or do I need to dumb it down anymore?"He holds up his hands in surrender and chuckles.

"Feisty ay?Yeah Clary,I got it.And i'm Aaron."I roll my eyes and he moves away from my locker.
"I know who you are,you don't need to introduce yourself."
"Just being friendly babe."
"Babe? Gawd no,I am far from being your babe kay."I grab my books out of my locker and then slam the locker close,about to walk away.

"Where you going?"He asks

"To class."

"Oh come on can't you be a little late?"

"Nope.Why would I want to be late?"

"Because."Then he grabs my arm.

"Nope,no grabbing le arm."I rip my arm outta his grasp.
"Yes." He grabs my arm again.
"No dude."

"I don't think I can let you go to class."I pull at my arm,trying to get out of his grasp but his hold on my arm tightens.

"Let go of me."I say,hoping he will let go.

"But don't you want to stay with me?"

"Why would I want to do that?"

"Well because I am the hottest dude and every girl wants to be with me and I want you to be my girl because you're pretty damn hot."

"You don't even know me and we have never talked,also I do not,I repeat,do not want to be your side ho or you're little slut."


"So I don't want to be your girl aka side ho,goodbye."I pull my arm out of his hand and turn to walk away but he grabs me and pins me against the lockers,I try to wiggle free but he has a hold on my shoulders,so I can't move.No one is around,unfortunately this is the part of the building where there's no cameras,nor classes as it's mainly just a corridor full of lockers.I try to push him away but he stays in his place.

"Let go of me you stupid asshole."I attempt to kick him but I kinda fail.-.

"No,you will listen to me."He says this in a tone and I don't know why but the tone in which he said it kind of scared me.If I could just shout for help.I open my mouth to shout but he clamps his hand over my mouth and pulls me to him.
"What are you gonna do huh? Not much to do is there,especially since we are in a School."I manage to say through his hand,which is gross btw.
"Oh there's a lot of things,it doesn't matter that this is a school,I know places and I do have my ways."
Oh gawd no I think. What the fuck is he gonna do?
"LET GO OF ME."I manage to say as I bite him in the hand and suddenly Aaron is pushed off me and he falls onto the floor.I look at my saviour.Smallish,long brown hair,cap fitted backwards,it's Vic,what is he doing?I look at him,he looks surprised at himself.

"Vic what are you doing?!"I say to him in surprise.

"I don't know..."He says before my eyes widen as suddenly Aaron's fist connects with Vic's jaw.

Vic's P.O.V

The pain shoots through my face and sears through my body as Aaron punches me on the jaw.The blow knocks me backwards and I fall hard on the floor.I scramble to my feet before Aaron can do anything else,rubbing my jaw.Fuck that hurt like hell.What was I thinking? I could never win a fight especially against someone who's at least a foot taller than me and shit.Aaron walks over to me and I feel like backing away but that would be cowardly.I stand in my place,I put my hands half in front of my face like in fights,I know i'm going to loose and get beaten,but that's what i'm expecting to happen.I've got beaten up before,many times just for being the way I am.But now this is my fault because I caused it.Aaron walks towards me but Clary stands in front of me.

"Get out of the way Clary."I say,glaring at Aaron.


"Clary get out of the way or you'll get hurt."

"I don't care."I push her out of the way just as Aaron stands face to face with me.I will myself not to show any fear to him because that would make him feel more full of himself.

"You aren't scared little Vic?"

"N-No."I reply in a shaky voice.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes."I say in a more strong tone.

"Well you should be scared."

"Fuck you dickface."Then he punches me on the cheek,it is sore,I know it's not the hardest he can hit but I manage to keep to my feet,I know I will have a bruise there after.I feel pain in my leg as he kicks me on the shin,make me fall into the lockers,making a loud bang,my eyes water and I wipe them dry with my sleeve.I stand up straight,ignoring the pain in my leg.Aaron is smirking,cocky bastard.I go to punch him,Clary shouts something I don't hear right but it get him off guard and I unexpectendly manage to hit him in the eye,feeling a bit of triumph,but as soon as the moment comes,it disappears again as he grabs my arm,which makes me wince.I see Clary look around,confused at what to do,probably to try and help me or get a teacher. She sprints away,good I don't want her getting hurt.
More pain soon arrives in my ribs and stomach making me double over onto the floor.

"Haha Vic you're so useless it's funny."Aaron says."You are the the most pathetic hero ever."

I am.I am the most pathetic hero ever.I will never be more than pathetic.A tear slips down my face.No fuck crying.I wipe the stupid tear and stand up once more.But soon i'm back on the floor and blackness engulfes me...


Just a boy with scars(A Vic Fuentes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now