Ha.As If

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Chapter 5

Vic's P.O.V

My alarm goes off and I hit it to turn it off.My whole body screams pain.I attempt to sit up but flop back down onto my soft bed.Okay well I have decided one thing,no chance am I going to school.But then everyone would think i'm even more of a coward if I don't go and that will lead to more attention but haven't I given myself enough?After a few minutes of thinking I hear a knock on the door.

"Erm Vic mum says to get up like now."It's Mike

"Ok whatever."I sit up,stretching.Ouch.Probably shouldn't have done that.I yawn,I am so tired,I hardly slept at all last night,I wish my thoughts would just shut up literally.After I take a quick shower,I change into a black long sleeved top to hide my scars and a few wrist bands just to be safe,jeans,trainers and a zip-up hoodey.I grab my school bag,sling it over my shoulder then jog down the stairs,my bag banging against my back.I go into the kitchen to get my money.Mum is cooking food and Mike is sitting at the table eating.

"Do you want anything to eat before school Victor?"Mum asks and Mike looks at me.

"No i'm not hungry."I see Mike roll his eyes like he always does when I refuse to eat,Mum sighs then sets the sauce pan she was using onto the cooker.She turns around to look at me.

"Victor why do you never eat?What is wrong,are you starving yourself?Is someone teasing you?Please tell me."

"Nothing is wrong mama really."She looks at me in disbelief.

Come on please believe me.

After a moment she looks like she starts to believe my lie and my pleading,truthful expression.

"Okay.Okay."She says slowly,turning back to her cooking.Yes.She believed me.
One day she will find out,everyone will find out your dirty little secret,then even your family will hate you.

A voice in the back of my head says.I try to ignore it and breathe a sigh of relief.I glance at Mike who is squinting at me,just like if he can try hard enough he will be able to uncover my secrets.I know he is not convinced,I may be a good enough liar,but Mike is smart.
What?I mouth at him annoyed
Nothing He mouths back,continuing eating his bacon.I sigh,getting my wallet from the counter.

"I'm gonna go now."I say hastily,fixing one of the straps of my bag on my shoulder.

"You're going now?"Mum says holding a white dishcloth.

"Erm yeah?"I reply,raising my eyebrows

"You aren't even going to wait on Micheal?"

"It's Mike and I am going now."Mike says in an annoyed voice,setting his fork on his plate and getting up."Mike."He repeats again,grabbing his bag."Bye mama."He says.

Me and Mike never walk to school together,I normaly leave as soon as possible so I can avoid all the questions.

"Okay Michael."

"Mike."Mike says again in an agitated voice,what's his problem?

"Okay okay bye,have fun at school."She says to both of us.

Ha.As if.

The walk to school is quiet,Mike doesn't say anything,it's like he is waiting on a good time to say anything and what to say.I stare at my moving feet on the grey pavement instead of making eye contact with anyone.My feet drag on the ground and I suddenly feel really tired,the walk from my house to school isn't long,it takes maybe 10 minutes at the most.

"Okay Vic,what is going on."Mike says seriously and he stops walking.

"What?"I ask,acting like nothing is wrong.

"What is going on."He repeats

"Nothing,why would something be wrong?"

"Oh come on Vic,something is going on with you,I can see it,the way you hide yourself away in your room and avoid me,do you even hang out with your friends?Wait,do you even have friends?"

"I don't understand,what are you on about?"I ask,avoiding his eyes

"Vic seriously stop acting stupid,I know you are lying,I can see the guilt on your face.You are trying to hide something,I'm not stupid."

I know he's not stupid,that's the thing,he's too smart.

"N-no i'm not,w-what would I be hiding?"He throws his arms up in frustration

"Vic please tell me,please stop acting like nothing is wrong,I know something is.Why do you avoid me,why avoid your own brother that you used to be best friends with.Just why can't you tell me what's wrong?"He says looking at me,I feel my eyes water.I have been really unfair to him,to my whole family,I blocked them all out and just dealed with it in the worst way.

I look away.Should I lie or tell the truth?The truth I have been hiding for almost a year now.

"I-I can't."I say eventually,looking back onto the ground.I can feel Mike's eyes on me,his eyes full of disappointment and sadness.

Why can't I be a normal older brother?One that is fun and cool and annoying sometimes,why can't I be the older brother that looks out for the younger one,not the other way around.I start walking away quickly,I feel Mike's hand on my shoulder and I swing around when he speaks.


"No I can't tell you okay?I'm sorry I am such a crap brother and I blocked you out and treated everyone like a dick and I never be sociable and I never hang out with you.I'm sorry that I don't tell you anything and I keep secrets from you,just please stop barging into my business and let me move on with my life and you move on with yours okay? I'm sorry."Mike's hand slips off my shoulder and I see the hurt on his face.

"O-okay."He whispers,staring at his shoes."Sorry for barging into your business,I-i'll leave you alone...bro."He looks hurt and I immediatly fell bad.Fuck me.He walks past me and avoids my eyes.I know he is hurt because his shoulders are slumped and I hear him sigh.

I am a total dick and don't derserve to be his older brother,like why can't I just mess around and joke with him instead of being so mean to him,I should be happy he frigging cares.

Just a boy with scars(A Vic Fuentes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now