Chapter 13

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Hunter and I stayed out at the lake for what felt like just a few minutes, but in reality was hours. We sat at the edge and gazed out at the water as we spoke. He told me about how he was somewhat of an outcast growing up. His family didn't have that much of a high social status growing up, and as a result he didn't have very many friends.

"One day I decided that I didn't want to follow in my father's footsteps and take over the family business. That's how I got involved in bartending. I took a few courses in mixology at the community college and found a nice gig for myself. It keeps food on the table. I thought about going back to get certified in fire science, but decided against it," he said.

"I haven't even thought about college or anything of the sort. I still have to finish high school. That's my main focus right now. My family doesn't have a lot of money either, so I'm in the same boat. Fire fighting sounds interesting though..." I trailed off.

"You'd probably be a great fire fighter all things considered," he said playfully.

"I suppose so. Though I'm not exactly supposed to tell anybody about the fact that I can control water," I shuddered at the thought of any human other than Hunter knowing. Pa knew, but I could only hope that nobody would believe him in his drunken state. Since he had no tangible proof, I doubted he'd really be an issue...unless he found me again. A shiver ran down my spine at the thought. Pa hadn't called me in a few days, but I was sure he was up to something. I'd have to keep my guard up for sure.

"You alright there, Daisy Lynn?" Hunter asked.

I nodded as I looked out at the water. Putting a hand out, I caused the water to come closer to us. It floated over Hunter and I like a large wave and we both looked up at the sight in awe. We watched as the fish swam about and the frogs tried to escape. The water sparkled under the moonlight and it looked very pure. Feeling daring, I put my hand down and forced the water to stay afloat with only my mind. It flowed back to its original position very slowly so as not to disturb the rest the lake's inhabitants.

"My lips are sealed. I'm good at keeping secrets and evading the people who want to find out mine. It seems like you've gotten it all under control," he noted.

"I still have a long way to go. But I appreciate you not telling anyone. This is the kind of secret that could very well cost me my life. And those close to me as well," I said.

Hunter muttered under his breath for a moment before standing up and stretching his arms. I couldn't help but ogle at his stomach when his shirt rose to expose his well defined abs.

"It's really late now. You should probably head back, before your friend starts to worry about you," he says.

"How am I supposed to get back home? Your magic trick is what go me here in the first place."

"You know how to get home. Just follow your instincts," he said patting me the shoulder and throwing me a sly grin before heading his own way.

I looked up at the moon and found myself walking. At first I thought I was simply walking aimlessly, but about fifteen minutes later the small house was in view.

I wasn't sure what kind of magic Hunter practiced, but it sure was something powerful.


Stage three of the training should have had me a nervous wreck, but it didn't. I almost felt eager. Not to fight, but to get to use my power. Most days I beat Jason to the field. It really wasn't much different from the first time, except nobody lost control.

By the last day of the third stage I could tell that I was much stronger. I was up to two miles without stopping. The first mile I trailed behind Myra and the second mile was a slow jog, but I was getting better. Manipulating my power with my only my mind was becoming second nature. Only with the really extenuating things, like trying to overpower Jason, did I need to use my hands or fingers.

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