Chapter 18

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"Chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug!" I heard people shouting and immediately went to where everyone was.

I got to the living room to see Myra and some big guy, each downing a huge bottle of liquor. At this rate, It looked like I was going to be the one driving home tonight.

Myra slammed the bottle down and the guy still had about a fourth of the way to go. Everyone shouted and cheered her on. She shrugged them off like it was nothing. I pushed my way through the people to get to her.

"Somebody's having a little too much fun," I said. The last thing we needed was for her to get piss poor drunk. I'd already had enough of that in my life.

"I'm fine. This stuff isn't even touching me. I burn it off before it can ever get through my system," she said. I noticed her eyes were lighter than usual. She was using her power to keep the alcohol at bay.

"As long as you keep it under control. I'm going to go put our host in his place," I said.

"Maybe you should leave it. He's just a human. You'll deal with him for a few months and he won't even be a thought to you anymore," she said. Normally Myra was all for putting someone down.

I was looking forward to embarrassing Martin, but I guessed she was right. It really wasn't that deep to where I needed to go out of my way to do anything. Life would teach him.

Despite the blatant drunkenness going on around me, I actually was enjoying myself. I found Michael and a few of his friends and we went out on the back deck. It was a mixture of girls and boys. At first it we all just made small talk, some of the guys talked about their journalism articles, some of them were athletes, they even talked about girls despite there being girls out here.

Our conversation turned into a game of Never Have I Ever after a guy walked out with a few bottles and shot glasses. I promptly suggested that I be the record keeper and drink pourer. Getting drunk was not a part of my plan.

"C'mon, it'll be fun," Michael said.

"There's no way in hell. Coming here was a stretch for me. I'm not going to start drinking," I said as I started writing everyone's names on the piece of paper.

"I'll go first," one guy offered. Everyone turned to him.

"Never have I ever fantasized about anyone out here right now," he said.

Almost everyone took a drink. Other than me, there were maybe one of two girls that didn't drink. Every guy out here did. I shook my head as I put marks next to the drinkers. This was going to be one interesting and revealing game.


When the game finished everyone who played was pretty wasted. Even Michael was slurring his words. Nobody even really registered it when announced the winner. I was pretty sure they'd all end up vomiting before the night was over. I decided it was time to find Myra and head home. I'd had a good a good time, but I'd reached my limit.

I walked back into the house to find Myra sitting on the couch with Jake. They were pretty deep into their conversation, but I sat down on the love seat across from them anyway.

"I didn't realize you two knew each other," Jake said.

"I'm the one who found Daisy Lynn after she discovered what she could do. She's been with Jason and me for most of the summer, training and preparing for whatever is to come next," she said.

"That's exactly what I'm afraid of. My cousin said things are changing. It's like something huge is going to happen, but no one knows exactly what."

"Maybe we should be having this conversation with everyone around. You never know who's sober enough to remember what they hear," I said.

"Yeah you're right," Jake said. I looked at Myra.

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