Chapter 8

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Running was the bane of my existence.

Today was day eleven of my training. I could now run half a mile without stopping. However, today was a two miler and I was a mile and a half in, and I felt like I was dying. It had seemed like I was actually getting better until the distance doubled. In the latter half of stage one my breathing was less dramatic and I dragged less when I had to walk. Now it seemed like I hadn't gotten nowhere.

"Come on, Daisy Lynn. It's just half a mile," Myra said. She'd passed me a long time ago, and must have circled back around. I huffed in response, but picked up my pace to match hers.

It seemed like it was dragging on, but we encountered Jason sooner than I anticipated. Somehow he knew where he needed to be and when he needed to be there. His hair was pushed back like he'd just run his fingers through it and he was shirtless. It would have been an absolute delight if I didn't know that he was about to put me through a torturous routine.

I watched as he eyed Myra. Normally she wore her hair down, but today she had it pulled back into a pony tail. She had on some running shorts and a sports bra. Her medium colored skin was glistening with sweat. To me, there was nothing attractive about being sweaty and I knew I looked and felt absolutely gross, but somehow Myra was pulling it off. Maybe it helped that she was a little on the short side. Not too short, the same way I was just a little tall. 

The way Jason was looking at her made me feel intrusive. Like I was a thrid wheel even though, technically, if anybody was the third wheel it was Myra. I averted my gaze and kicked at the ground, watching as the droplet of dew landed on my legs. I was acutely aware of each drop as they trailed down my skin. I kicked the ground again because I liked the sensation. Mentally I made the droplets flow together and caused them to take various shapes: a heart, a snowman, a smiley face. When Myra, started speaking, I made them return to their various places.

"Okay, so stage two involves fighting. You'll need some basic self-defense knowledge as well as offensive techniques. Ths is both with and without using your powers. For now, we'll just do a demonstration," she said.

She turned to face Jason and took her fighting stance. It was comical, watching her square up against him - her small stature up against his broad, muscular one. The lighthearted moment ended as quickly as it began when they started throw blows.

The fight was interesting. Jason could read Myra's thoughts as soon as she prepared to move, but I quickly realized that not all of her moves were thought out. A lot of her fighting was instinct. She'd been fighting her entire life and it showed. She was fast, but you could tell she fought on the streets. Jason was good, but she was giving him a run for his money. I watched in awe as Myra swung and Jason ducked, wrapping his arms around her waist and taking her to the ground. The hit the ground with an audible thud and a bright surge erupted from Myra sending Jason flying. Things were about to get dangerous.

Jason jumped up and mentally ripped a tree from the ground. I watched as the huge plant went flying towards Myra, roots and all. She closed her eyes for a moment and when she opened then they were glowing brighter than ever. Putting her hands out, the tree hit her with a bone crushing impact and I thought for sure it was over, but I was far from right. I could see the energy transfer to her the instant the tree touched her. Her hands were hard to look at directly now, and that smug grin returned to her face. She began approaching Jason fearlessly, and he walked slowly towards her. He was being cautious.

They danced around for a few moments, before Jason swung and Myra side-stepped him throwing him off balance. She reared up and I saw waves of electricity surge through her body before concentrating in her arm. When her fist made impact it sounded like thunder and my ears began ringing. Jason stagged back a few steps and it was clear that he was hurt.

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