Chapter 11

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I was slammed against a tree with bone shattering force. The air flew out of my lungs and I collapsed to the ground. It felt like every inch of my body was on fire.

It took all of my will power to pick myself up. I was getting my butt whipped and I felt every bit of it. I couldn't give up though. As much as I hated fighting, it was a necessary evil. I had to know how to fight both with and without my power. Fighting other Unknowns was dangerous in itself, but fighting with a human or near a human was much worse. Humans died much more easily. Humans didn't know that we existed. I didn't exactly know what would happen if they ever found out about Unknowns, but I had a good idea of what would happen to the Unknown at fault. I tried not to think about it.

I put my fists up and approached my attacker. She was not going easy on me today, and I could tell she was enjoying every bit of it. Myra was short and fast and experienced. I was tall and clumsy and a novice. Despite this I wasn't going to give up easily. I was not going to get knocked around anymore than I already had been today.

When she was within my range, but I was still outside of hers, I attacked. I brought my foot up and slammed it right into her chest and she stumbled back. Then I connected my right fist with her face and then tackled her to the ground. Before she could regain control of the situation, I flipped her over on her stomach, put my knee square in her back and made sure her arms were uncomfortably pulled behind her. When she tried to struggle I exerted pressure with my knee and pulled her arms ever harder. That lasted for about thirty seconds before she gave up.

"You have to make it official before I let you get up," I told her.

She just sighed in response.

"I can sit like this all day," I said. It felt nice to win and be able to rub it in just a little bit.

"Okay, okay. You won, I lost." She was not happy about this at all.

"And you can't try sneak attack me when you get up. Otherwise I will freeze you where you stand," I said. She was notorious for that, especially with Jason.

"I promise I won't sneak attack you. I just want to be released," she replied.

I got off of her and helped her up.

"Well, I certainly did not see that coming. You've improved quite a bit," she said.

That was encouraging. I knew my fitness was increasing. I could finally run a mile without stopping to walk. Until today I felt like my combat skills weren't going anywhere. I always lost and always ended up with bruises, and Jason and Myra would be unscathed.

Tomorrow would be the beginning of the third stage. Powers would be allowed during the fights in the third stage. That meant a lot of control would be required on everyone's part not to destroy anything near by or kill each other. My success would require all the I had training from the past three weeks. I had no idea what the last stage would be, but I would cross that bridge when it came.

"Thanks," I said quietly.

Then I felt something pelt me in the back of my head. I turned to glare at Myra, but she was halfway through a serious yawn when I looked at her. I felt another pebble hit me in the cheek and watched as one flew into Myra's open mouth. She started coughing and I had to stifle a giggle.

"I think someone else is planning a sneak attack since you didn't," I told her as she caught her breath.

She raised an eyebrow at me. Then she put her hands together and cracked her knuckles.

"Looks like somebody wants their ass kicked," she replied with her signature grin creeping across her face.

Her hands began to glow and her head went on a swivel. It was clear she was used to being hunted, but I had no idea what to do. I couldn't rely on the fact that whatever hit me came from behind. Jason's telekinesis allowed him to hit me from any angle while he was in a completely different location.

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