Chapter Three

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Alice opened her eyes “Nope, I can’t read anything clearly” she slouched back and pressed her fingers into her temples.  She patted her stomach “and that’s your guys’ faults my angels”. Jasper smirked as he pulled her closer “and ironically they’re the reason we need your visions so badly – we don’t know if the Volturi have even suspected anything yet, but if they do…”

“We’ll never see it coming – we’ll be sitting ducks” Edward finished for him bitterly. Alice’s eyes widened with shock and hurt at his statement; “Edward I’ve been trying constantly to see anything anything that would give us the upper hand with the Volturi-“ her lower lip trembled and her eyes flashed “and I don’t need you making snide comments that don’t help anyone!”. Her voice rose to a shriek and she got to her feet as gracefully as she could despite her increasingly bulky frame and stormed out of the room. “Ed..” Jasper growled warningly and shot him a glare before he followed his hormonally imbalanced distraught wife.

Jasper didn’t know what to expect when he found Alice. When he did, he found her sitting on the edge of their bed, sniffling and wringing her hands. She looked pathetically up at Jasper as he pulled her onto his lap. “I was trying Jazz”.

“Shh, I know, I know you are” he started massaging her shoulders and had barely started when she whirled out of his arms, enraged again after getting her second wind. “I may be pregnant, and I may be just a little emotional right now” her voice climbed dangerously “but that does not make me weak or stupid or unfocused! I know how important it is to have my visions, I know we need to foresee the Volturi’s reaction, I. know. how. Important . it. Is.” She was really getting into stride now. “Does he not think I care about this family? That I am somehow irresponsible for not having premonitions right now? I am more than his flighty shopaholic sister and he, he ought to know that and, and …” Jasper came over to the whirling dervish that was his wife and took her gently but firmly by the shoulders from behind. He kissed the sensitive spot behind her left earlobe causing her to stop in her tracks and melt into him so that he could turn her around to face him.

“Calm, Alice…You don’t want to hurt the babies” he soothed using his powers taking the last of the fight out of her by bending down and rubbing her belly that poked out adorably from under her shirt. “I’ll talk to him”.

After the three had stormed out of the living room Emmett tightened his grip around Rosalie unconsciously. She slid her dainty fingers into his to unlock his grip. “Hey…hey – earth to Emmett…come on, let’s get out of here and go for a walk. Even with Alice’s powers down, I sense more trouble on the horizon.” 

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