Chapter 20: Dissension in the Ranks (p.s. It's my Birthday!!)

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“Bella’s back” Edward spoke and as he did she came in through the door, tossing her keys so that they neatly landed on a side table 20 feet away. “Renesmee’s is safe with Jacob and the pack up at the reserve. They’ll take care of her as long as we need to get Esme back”.  


Esme closed her eyes and leaned her head against the leather headrest that bore the Volturi crest. She could feel her baby’s heartbeat fluttering too fast inside her and tried taking deep breaths to calm him down.

Whenever the baby was restless before, Esme would sing to him while Carlisle stroked her belly and together they could always soothe him to sleep.

But now she was alone and in fear of her life – but what terrified her most was the fact that her baby’s life was tied to hers.

She would die for her child, but if she died now, her baby died with her. So with her eyes closed, she prayed.

She had practiced the movements and behaviorisms of humans that she had no trouble convincing the Volturi that she was asleep. “Alec – I presume you have the equipment ready?” “I do Jane, but I beseech you once again – the elders won’t be pleased with our plans”

“Do not presume to know the elder’s thoughts. Aro, Marcus and Caius will see the value in this when we show them the results. Do not question my judgement again Alec”.

Esme shivered in her supposed sleep; dissension in the ranks was a scary thought. “For once Alec, do not let them make your decisions for you" Jane continued." That’s why we’re doing this, remember? For power and control of Volterra. If the Volturi reign is to continue then new leaders must be put into place to maintain control and power."

“It’s treason to speak so sister” Alec warned quietly. “You’ll see” she smiled with determined satisfaction “look, we’ll be landing soon – give her the second injection.

Esme froze internally, she didn’t want to think about the effects the drugs they’d already given her had had on her baby and like hell she was going to let them do it again and have a further opportunity to do some damage to her child.

She pretended to wake; “Oh! Where am I? My God!” she screamed convincingly and recoiled from her captors if seeing them for the first time. Again like the first time, Jane moved as if to threated the baby with her powers but this time at least Esme knew that for now they wanted her and the baby alive and so they wouldn’t do anything for the moment. At the same time however, she knew that put in a that position Jane would rather see her and her baby die before she saw her mission fail and them escape with both their lives.

In a way, it might be that killing her baby was a more practical battle tactic and more intelligent decision she thought with a measure of fear. Because although Carlisle had created the family, Esme was the glue that held them together – and part of what made the Cullen clan so formidable as opponents  was their size and number as well as their emotional bond and loyalty to each other.

She kept up the act as Felix and two of the accompanying guard flanked her as the plane touched down.‘Welcome back to Volterra’ Jane smiled smugly.

Outwardly Esme kept up her trusting façade but inside, her mind was reeling. She knew for an absolute fact she was not in Volterra despite the blacked out windows of the jet – they hadn’t been in the air long enough to even border Mexico. But the sibling’s plan obviously involved tricking her into believing they had her on their home territory so she played along; ‘b-but I’m not supposed to fly in my condition” she cried inanely, on the inside rolling her eyes at how feeble she sounded. J

ane sneered and Esme could see the disbelief in her eyes that a simpering idiot belonged to such a powerful coven as the Cullens. Esme bit her lip to hide a rueful smile and sent a rueful prayer Aro wasn’t there to read every thought she’d ever had.

Perfect, less suspicion would be cast on her if she played the part of the overly feminine, non-violent emotional mother figure she knew for a fact she was stereotyped as. She leaned heavily on the arms of the Volturi guard feeling their grip bruise her forearms.

Scarily though she didn’t have to act much – even the short plane ride and the toll of fighting with Carlisle had exhausted her. Her back ached along with every inch of her body.

Truly if she had to walk much further she would collapse for real.


Hi!! I am still alive if you wondered - sorry sorry sorry for the wait!! But on a bright note -

Happy Birthday to me!! I AM NOW 18 yrs. OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crazy huh? I missed voting in the federal election by one day Grrrrr.... Anyway it seems adulthood has come with a heavy dose of writer's block that can only be overcome in my molecular genetics biology lectures so that I'm writing when I should be mapping plasmids :P

Anyway for my birthday present PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT!! All your wonderful comments kept me going during my block period! Much love from the other side of the big A - TLH <3

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