Chapter 8 - They're Back...

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Kate answered the front door around midnight to five cloaked figures that swept into the room uninvited and with an innate sense of entitlement. “Ah, Kate – you are looking well, how are you my dear?” the first enquired. As he did the others shook off their hoods and revealed themselves as Marcus, Caius, Jane, Alec and “A-Aro” Tanya choked out as she and Carmen and Eleazar entered the room.

“Yes Tanya, we were getting worried we hadn’t heard from you regarding Catherine’s fate or” he paused delicately “or that of our other friends”.

Tanya fell to her knees, splintering the floorboards .She shrieked out in agony as Jane smiled sweetly on.  “I thought we had an agreement?” through the haze of fiery pain Tanya heard a sharp soprano and felt rusty breath sweep over her face.  Cool familiar hands drew her back to the present. It was Kate.

“Look – I nearly died because of you. The Cullen family and their members are greater and more powerful vampires than you will ever be, have ever been or could ever hope or dream of being. I won’t betray the Cullen’s after they have saved my life time and time again.” Kate spoke up.

Carmen and Eleazar stood motionless in the corner of the room, eyes wide and wary.

“You were the ones who destroyed Irina” Tanya rose to her feet “and I was a fool to agree to your conditions”.

“Well we’ll just have to pay our friends a little visit – perhaps they’ll be more hospitable” Caius threatened softly as the Volturi swept out. But think on this, dear ones, whose family is more worth protecting? Yours…or theirs”. 

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