Chapter Four - The Volturi Enter

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“I don’t like it, Aro” Jane snarled and jerked her head away from the hand that reached out to placate her, and in doing so a guard flanking on of the double doors to the ‘throne room’ dropped writhing to his knees. She smirked, “well now I feel a little better’. “Jane”, Caius chided and she returned to her brother Alec’s side giving the sniveling female in the middle of the room a wide berth.

“Well look on the bright side – this time there is no way either the mothers or children will survive, so the problem is taken care of. No messy strings to be taken care of.” Caius chuckled cruelly.

“No!” The amber eyed vampire lunged forward, scrabbling at the Volturi’s robes in pathetic supplicatory fashion.  “You have to save my sister, we’ll do anything, anything – just get rid of it”.

“I recall you lost your mother in an instance quite like this one, didn’t you?”  Marcus mused coming forth from the cavernous shadows at the back of the room, “intriguing”.

“The only real option I see is to kill the mother – and that perhaps is not the desired end goal…hmmmm, quite a quandary…unless…” Aro turned to one of the others before pressing a bony finger to the intercom button “Sophia – if you would be so kind as to bring in the Emerephus vial please, for our guest.”

The mortal secretary swept smiling brightly and inanely in with  a polished mahogany case out of which Aro plucked a glass vial, sloshing around in it was a gasoline-like liquid that he examined carefully before holding it out to Tanya.

“I can only offer this with a warning, this is the closest thing to a lethal weapon the vampire world is privy to” Caius explained. “It won’t kill, only severely weaken. As you can imagine it’s not used very often seeing as vampires feed solely on blood however – this should weaken your sister to the point where the fetus is lost without killing the mother who will recover with time. However I can’t guarantee anything…”

“Thank you, thank you” the Denali vampire cried kissing the hem of the vampires robe.

“All we ask” he continued, “is that you send word when the fool Cullen women have eradicated themselves in this quest.

“Such a waste of power”, Aro mourned.

“Yes, yes Aro, we are all well aware of their powers, but we are also well aware of their unwillingness to join us. We cannot eliminate them under our laws – but this happy coincidence sees their demise without us getting our hands dirty” Marcus interjected.

A sinister tinkling laugh came from Jane as she sat as his feet “Such a clever plan – if they won’t join us, we’ll beat them, ha!”.  She smiled at the vampire still groveling at her masters’ feet. The Denali member’s eyes widened in shock and fear until her silence shattered itself into heartrending screams as she suffered under Jane’s gleeful wrath. “Make sure you report back to us, won’t you?” she finished sweetly before waving an arm for the guards to open the doors. “Or none of you will remain alive”.

With a harsh gasp Alice’s eyes flew open and she pitched forward in bed out of Jasper’s arms panting with the importance of what she had just seen in her first premonition since becoming pregnant. “Phewww” she exhaled bringing her mind back to the present. “It’s okay, it’s all right guys, we’re ok” she soothed absentmindedly palming her belly to quiet the babies that kicked jerkily and anxiously in her stomach, distressed by their mother’s tension.

Jasper let Alice collect herself and her thoughts before he spoke, “what did you see?” “Get Carlisle” she breathed “and the others; meet me in the living room”. She slipped into a robe, belting it firmly above her bump before going downstairs to meet the rest of the household, especially Rose and Esme – and explain to them her reasoning for rousing them at half past three in the morning.  

She entered as Carlisle was transferring a sickly looking Esme from his arms to the couch; “what is it Alice, Jasper told us you saw something – and for you to have us wake the girls it must be serious” he said grimly. Bella and Edward entered with the baby monitor; “We thought we’d let Nessie sleep –she doesn’t need to be brought into this” Edward explained.

“It’s the Volturi” she said simply, sitting down in a chair to face her family: “they know about us”.

“But how?” Emmett spoke up concernedly from beside a furrowed browed Rosalie. Alice just looked at Carlisle and said one word, “Denali”. Carlisle’s eyes widened, “they haven’t been anywhere near here – besides that the girls are rarely outside, or even very obviously pregnant”.

“Carlisle” – Esme stirred and Carlisle pulled her onto his lap so that she could lean her head against his shoulder. “Both Kate and Carmen – they both have mates, it’s possible they could have conceived as well and that one of the family went to the Volturi for help instead of coming to you”.

“It was Tanya I saw in my vision” Alice confirmed “Aro gave her some kind of abortive potion or drink that I think is supposed to get rid of the baby Kate is carrying – she said she couldn’t stand to lose another sister.”

“That’s right, Irina’s only been gone a few years - but what does Kate think”. Carlisle asked. “That’s all I got from the vision – that and the Volturi are certain we’ll die as a result of this.” She sat down next to Esme on the couch and rubbed her adoptive mother’s protruding belly. “But no one’s going anywhere”.

Carlisle stood, “I have to get to the Denali coven – that potion could very well kill Kate. I’ll need someone to come with me: Edward? I’d prefer Bella’s shield be with the girls in case of any emergency we can’t get back in time for.”

“That’s fine Carlisle I’ll go with you – it will be good to see exactly what went on in Italy as well if I can get into Tanya’s head” Edward agreed.

“But surely, surely the Denali’s would have learned their lesson from the last time one of them went to Volturi with some claim of an immortal child – one of them ended up dead, destroyed by the people they’ve now come to for help!” Rosalie protested. 

OOOh the Volturi have entered the story! Will Esme lose the baby, will Alice regain her powers? Will Kate die? SEND ME SOME LOVE PLEEEASE !!!<3 <3 <3 thanks and love ya!

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