Chapter 19: A False Alarm & Real Danger

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Alice bit her lip, wincing, as Jasper glanced down at his watch timing the contractions. If they weren’t regular it meant she wasn’t in labour yet and it could be stopped with bed-rest. Jasper’s brow relaxed slightly as he looked up from his watch.

 “They’re not regular” he breathed thankfully. Carlisle burst into the room and forced himself not to demand Alice tell him what she saw immediately. He plunged a vial of some clear liquid into Alice’s IV before taping it to her arm. He checked her quickly after taking her blood pressure.

“You’re not dilated at all; just 80% effaced which is not abnormal for twins this close to term. If we can keep you calm and resting until the pains stop then I don’t foresee you delivering earlier than you’re due”. Alice ripped the oxygen mask from her face, despite Jasper’s futile attempts to restrain her.

 A total of 45 seconds had passed since he first stepped in the front door. “Carlisle” she said desperately, “its Esme, the Volturi have her. I can’t see where they’re going just that they drugged her and boarded a private unchartered jet. She’s scared” her voice cracked as she finished breathlessly.

 She sagged against the pillows now that she had said her part. They saw that Carlisle had closed his eyes and was silent for a moment as if in desperate prayer. He finally opened them but his gaze didn’t move from the floor.

“I know them. I lived with them…I was one of them” he pondered to himself his mind furiously flashing through past memories hoping to dredge up some useful point.

“One of three things could happen” he said in a low voice.

“One, the Volturi will wait until the baby has been born and hold them ransom in order to lure the whole family to Volterra, IF that’s where they’re going. Two:” his voice cracked.

 “Two, They will kill Esme once the baby has been born as a message and a warning to us.

 Three, they will try to abort the fetus and release Esme so that we won’t try and retaliate.

 Oh God, oh god, Esme forgive me”.


Once Alice had finally dropped off to sleep and the monitor showed no further contractions, Jasper left her to rest and stepped outside where the others spoke in hushed and worried tones.

“But are they actually taking her to Volterra? Their plan might be to lure the family to Italy and try and eliminate us there while the ancients and the personal guard have Esme at another location” Jasper added in – his mind ever alert to all possible battle plans or tactical manoeuvers-a side effect of his vampiric upbringing that had unfortunately proved to be invaluable at times to the Cullen family.

Carlisle was silent for another moment. “Put Esme’s picture out everywhere, that way wherever they land security will be hyped up. After all the work we’ve put into our anonymity I can’t believe that I’ll be the one to see its downfall.”

He was silent again. “But I don’t care dammit. I would go to the ends of the earth for her. She is my heaven and I’ll be the one to rescue her from this hell. Even if I’m sent to its depths in her place.” 


Hello darling readers!! I hope you had a wonderful Easter! So the message is same as always - COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT!! At least 6 before I update again :) This is all I have written except for Rosalie's delivery so MOTIVATE MEEEEE! xoxoxox TLH xoxoxoxox

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