Chapter 27: Name Games

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The following day Carlisle didn’t want to wait any longer to transport Esme back to Forks. The other girls had gone into labour well before their due dates and he didn’t want to take that chance with Esme.

He’d sent out for a new set of clothes for Esme and the valet had delivered them only 30 minutes prior. If they didn’t leave for the airport now, they would miss their flight.

It shocked him to see how much bigger Esme had gotten even in the last couple of days despite being starved half to death. Her stomach swelled out from beneath the flowing floral top, she had even had to roll down the elastic waistband of her slacks because it wouldn’t stretch over her belly.

He helped her slide on a lavender cardigan and brushed her hair to the side, pressing his lips to the scar on her neck. “You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen” he murmured. She leaned her head back against his neck “sometimes I swear you have Edward’s gift of reading minds” she smiled back “but I’m not complaining” she smiled down at her belly.

Carlisle watched her contemplatively as she waddled over towards the mirror to fix her hair. Despite all she had been through during this pregnancy she was still nothing but grateful, thankful that she had been given the gift of motherhood with Carlisle that resulted in the bump of her stomach that prevented her from leaning over the armoire to reach her purse.

“Carlisle I could have walked through security” she chided gently, vaguely exasperated at the precautions her husband was taking “I feel ridiculous”.

“As long as that’s all you feel” he replied cheerfully as he offered his hand to help her out of the wheelchair he insisted on putting her in as soon as the taxi had dropped them off at the airport.

“Alright Esme, I will let you walk into the airplane and if you can I won’t keep nagging you” he said seriously, knowing what it would cost him and her.

But he was equally convinced that she wouldn’t slow down unless she learned this lesson by herself. He assisted her out of the wheelchair and followed two steps behind as she ascended the stairs into the airplane.

By the 6th stair her grip tightened on the railing and by the eighth she leaned against it, her knees giving out the instant Carlisle’s hand touched her back to let her know he was there. He caught her in his arms before it was even obvious to anyone she was falling and supported her the rest of the way with his arm around her waist so that it didn’t even look like she was leaning on him.

She turned her head slightly, speaking into his shoulder, her voice low; “I’m sorry” she breathed “I, I just hate having everyone do things for me. I’m not used to it”. He rubbed her shoulders, “I know”.

The flight attendants jaws dropped open as they boarded the plane. Never had they seen such a godly being; the epitome of man as God intended. Each shuffled in front of the other twittering girlishly and preening in the hopes of catching his eye despite the fact that there was a well-known tv star also sitting in first class that flight.

But his eyes never strayed from the woman beside him, beautiful as well but thin and tired and wan as well as extremely pregnant and looking like she might collapse any second.

The way he looked at her was filled with such tenderness and outright love and adoration made it impossible to succumb to any petty jealousies they may have previously harbored.

The man whispered something into the woman’s ear and she let out a ringing full throated laugh. The group of attendants kept watching as he she sat down, the man bending over and tenderly buckling the seat belt underneath her tummy and kissing her navel as she blushed furiously and ran a hand through his hair bringing him to her lips.

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