Chapter 14: The Pains of Premonition

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Jasper crept down the stairs – sneaking furtive glances up as he reached the main floor. He held a finger to his lips as the rest of his family and Jacob stared at him as though he’d lost his mind.

 “Okay now look – I have been trapped in my walk-in closet for two and a half hours with Alice. When she comes down you are all going to tell her how fabulous she looks” Emmett opened his mouth to speak but Jasper was sending out definite stressed signals and he silenced his brother with one fierce glare as he heard footsteps above. “Remember, no matter how she looks…”

He turned around smiling brightly in time to offer his hand to Alice who was making her way down the stairs. “Oh Alice – don’t you look lovely” Esme offered as Alice came into view. “It’s all right Esme, I know Jasper warned you” she pouted as she pulled her teal turtleneck shirt-dress down that just barely managed to fit over the bulge of her stomach.

Edward popped a disc into the dvd player and turned down the lights. Tinny classical music accompanied the title floating across the screen that read ‘Birthing Naturally: the Journey to Parenthood’. Carlisle eyed Edward with slight confusion, “Edward, your intentions are honourable but I think I can speak for everyone, especially myself when I say we have educated ourselves about this”.

Edward just smiled, “Apart from you Carlisle none of the girls or guys have seen a ‘live birth’; even Esme had a caesarean section with her son back when she was a human”.

Esme’s hand stole to her stomach as if she needed reassurance by holding her baby and she stiffened slightly in Carlisle’s arms. He wrapped his arms around her more tightly and pressed a kiss just underneath her ear below her hairline. He knew it still unsettled her to talk about her past – especially the baby she had lost that led to her attempt suicide.

All three women cringed as the woman on the screen struggled to birth the baby’s head and shoulders, Jasper opened one eye; “is it over yet?” and Emmett had turned a shade of green that rivaled Rosalie’s when she was suffering through morning sickness.  Even Carlisle looked grim as the reality of what Esme would go through in a few short months sank in, and it sickened him to think of her going through that kind of pain. With a roar the woman on the screen gave one final push and the baby slid out in a gush of bloody fluid, visibly tearing the entrance to its mother’s womb as it came into the world.

Even Bella made a face watching the footage – “I think even the way Renesmee was born would be preferable to that”.

Alice’s gaze dropped to her enormous belly and she gnawed on her lip nervously; “and I have two in here” she said. Eyes round and wide she turned to Jasper who looked equally as shaken as he rubbed her belly in awe.

“Well Alice, despite what you have seen in this case it is preferable that you have a vaginal birth but you may not deliver naturally depending on what your last trimester ultrasounds show. If the babies are lying transversely or breech or if their measurements are larger than your pelvis will allow then an elect C-section will be performed between 36 and 40 weeks” Carlisle offered in his typical doctor-like spiel.

She still didn’t look convinced; “well you two can stay in here for a little bit longer then”. She patted her tummy before sitting down on the floor with some degree of difficulty for breathing and stretching exercises.

  In the middle of stretching Alice gasped and fell to her knees. “Alice, sweetheart what’s wrong, Alice? Are you hurt? Is it the babies?” She shook her head slowly as if clearing it before letting herself be folded into Jasper’s chest as he buried his face in her hair.

 “No, no” she breathed “no one in here is fine – the Volturi plan to go back on their word. I don’t know when or how but all I can see is flames – I can still see them in my head, flames fueled by icy white bodies. And I can see the bloodlust in their eyes and minds. They want us dead, all of us gone for good. They’re planning for this to be the end of the Cullens’”.

Emmett’s arms circled Rose tighter and Carlisle audibly hissed as he drew Esme to him.  “I can’t see any more I’m sorry, I’m so sorry”. This time it was Edward who hugged her. “I know you are Alice, but you shouldn’t be. You are a gift to us and it was wrong of me to suggest otherwise before and I apologize for taking you for granted. I was and am just worried for you and for Rose and Esme too.” Alice sniffed “I know. I just wish I could see more”.

“Well we can’t go to Italy, it will be too much stress on the girls” Carlisle spoke up. “Besides, being in Volterra gives them the home ground advantage if things get ugly” Jasper added before Emmett could interrupt; “And we sure as hell aren’t going to be doing them any damn favours”. “They brought the wives last time – I’m not sure they would do the same again, even if the battle is larger this time – with the whole family as the target.” Edward’s marble brow furrowed as he tried to remember the contents of Aro’s thoughts at their last meeting.

Jasper felt Alice shivering into him and he rose, “look it’s getting late – I’m taking Alice upstairs to bed”. “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself and my children Jasper” She strode away with as much dignity as her pregnant gait could muster and didn’t allow Jasper to help her up the stairs which she knew was killing him. “Good” she thought meanly “Now he knows what it’s like to feel helpless around someone you love”.

She sighed and stopped on the stairs close to their room; Jasper was by her side in an instant but didn’t say anything. She leaned into him, “I’m sorry”. He slid his arms around her shoulders and scooped her up behind her knees so he could carry her the rest of the way. He kissed her and she knew she was forgiven.

She had almost fallen asleep in the warm bath an hour later when Jasper poked his head back in to check on her. Only her head and the steep swell of her stomach could be seen above the frothy water giving her the look of an expectant mer-creature. He undressed and got in with her.

 Her eyes flew open at the unexpected icy touch and then she smiled. She rose to her knees and straddled him, one of the only ways now they could make love without her stomach getting in the way. But instead, he pushed into her and stayed there with her on his lap, keeping her in endless currents of ecstasy.

He licked a drop of water off her ear and followed it with his tongue as it left a glistening trail between the peaked slopes below. Her body quaked and shivered again but this time for deliciously different reasons.

Once they were out of the water he wrapped her in a towel and pulled her against him. There was no need for words.  His deeply scarred hands were a work of contrast compared to the full taut unblemished canvas of her abdomen but nothing had ever fit together so rightly as those two elements did in that moment of poignancy and vulnerability as they saw their naked reflection in the mirror illuminated from the moonlight’s beams pouring through the open window behind them.

Without any argument this time she allowed him to lead her over to their bed. She moaned softly, drowsy with pleasure and exhaustion as she felt Jasper’s hands work skillfully across her back and belly with sweet smelling oils. He filled his hands with her stomach so swollen and ripe with his child, his children – plural he had to remind himself. His larger hand eclipsed her smaller one as she rubbed away an ache where one of the twins had kicked her.

Her breathing softened and slowed as the babies quieted beneath his touch.  “Goodnight daddy” she whispered with a smile as she drifted to sleep. “Goodnight mama” he whispered back tucking the blankets in around her as she pressed into his side.

Here's a little more!! Told you comments got me writing faster !!!- now I'm jut having trouble with the rising action & final confrontation. I do have one of the birth scenes done but you'll all still have to wait a while for that :)

Anyway keep commenting and I will undoubtedly update sooner!!!! Send me some love <3 <3 

P.S. Any requests?? TLH

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