Chapter 17: To Capture the Queen is to Weaken the King

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Esme lay down across the comforter, breathing in and out, hoping that some of the tightness in her belly would ease that had intensified during her fight with Carlisle. She closed her eyes, relaxing all her muscles and practiced her ‘slow breathing’ while running light fingertips over her stomach sending calming messages to her baby.

The ache had moved and curved around her stomach to her back. She tried stretching it out but nothing felt as good as Carlisle’s hands on her. She twisted uncomfortably in her seat and was at the point where she was ready to forgo her pride and call Carlisle to ease the intense discomfort and strain that was hurting her and the baby.

She heard tentative footsteps on the stairs. “Oh thank God” she thought thankfully and not without feeling some satisfaction at him coming back first; “it must be Carlisle coming back”.

She wished she could get up and run to him as he came through the door, but the fact remained that she just didn’t feel well or have the necessary burst of strength to expel her unwieldy body from the chair as she once would have.

She closed her eyes and exhaled with relief as she heard the door open. But before she had time to re-open her eyes, an arctic chill burnt her lips as a hand pressed across her mouth and tore her roughly from the chair.

 She tried to scream and get away from her captor’s vise but the scream died in her throat as her eyes darted around the room searching for an escape and fell on Jane, who stood in deadly quiet in the shadows behind the door.

The smallest and deadliest of the Volturi - she cocked her head and the corners of her mouth twitched up at the corner threateningly as she lowered her gaze meaningfully to the swollen belly Esme had wrapped her arms around tightly in prayer of protection.

Her stomach tightened irregularly again, and coupled with the waves of nausea that paralyzing fear sent coursing through her – her breathing grew shallow and her knees shaky. She swallowed back the bile rising in her throat and drew back from Jane’s glare.

The pain of a sharp prick in her arm sharpened her vision for a moment until the blackness closed in completely and her body crumpled to the floor.

Head throbbing, Esme came to in the backseat of a limo with heavily tinted windows – Alec had grabbed her roughly by the shoulders as the car pulled up to the airport’s private terminal.

Ignoring the dizziness that assailed her as she was pulled to her feet, she looked around desperately trying to find a way to escape or someone to call out to for help.

But the Volturi had thought of that, the runway was devoid of any crewmembers save for the expensively discreet staff who appeared to be manning their personal private jet.

She heard Jane hiss underneath her breath as a luggage transportation vehicle rumbled towards them.

 In an outwards appearance of friendship for the spectators, Jane reached out a glove covered hand and placed it on Esme’s stomach as if they were close friends until the truck passed and the strangers were out of sight where Esme couldn’t call out to them.

 Jane’s inexorable icy grip overtop the infinitely vulnerable baby in her belly broke Esme out in goose bumps and shivering with chills.

Her baby evidently didn’t think much of Jane either and he kicked and rolled unhappily under her touch. In that moment, Jane recoiled – a look of absolute terror disfigured her face and curled her lips back in disgust.  

It was the first time Esme had ever seen Jane’s composure slip to reveal fear – an all too human emotion the Volturi tried to rid themselves of along with their humanity.

 A muscle in Jane’s face twitched and Alec jumped in front of Esme, writhing once in midair before Jane regained control of herself; “No! They want her and the baby alive Jane, you know the plan – stay to it!”

 Jane’s face hardened in anger and disgust – of herself or Esme and the baby or both she couldn’t be sure, and she whirled around and stalked up the set of stairs to the plane – the cloak-like folds of her coat swirling out behind her as she went. 

Esme’s breath hitched as she boarded – they wanted her and the baby alive, for now at least thank God! If she could hold out long enough to give birth to her baby she could find a way to send her precious child back to Carlisle before the Volturi realized her womb was now empty and killed her for the 'betrayal'. 

The hydraulic doors to the aircraft closed, and with them – Esme’s dreams and hopes, not only for herself and her family, but for her unborn son whom she loved fiercely and unconditionally above all else. And this time, as the doors closed, there would not be a window opening...


CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!! Sooooo, what did you guys think??? Please please please keep commenting because I'm writing as I go here - nothing else is set in stone except for Rose's delivery. PLEEEASE SEND ME SOME LOVE & COMMMENT COMMENT COMMENT like you have never commented before if you want the next chapter up faster. Thank you my darling gorgeous fans and readers - xoxoxoxox, TLH

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