Chapter 12: A Moment to Breathe

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“Hi baby”, Carlisle whispered against Esme’s stomach. She shivered at his icy breath and knotted her fingers in his hair pulling him against her. He pressed gentle kisses to it and chuckled as their baby kicked against the light pressure as if in greeting. “He’s getting strong”, Esme smiled widely as she thought about this. “I know”- Carlisle’s lips continued their task, “but how is his mama?”

He propped himself up on his elbows, his torso hovering overs hers protectively as he searched her eyes for the truth. “Happy” she beamed and then yawned, “and tired, but mostly just really really happy and overjoyed that he’s healthy”. She snuggled into him and wrapped his arms around her belly; he breathed in the sweet smell of her hair and pressed his forehead against hers “I know… I just want to keep his mother safe and strong as well”.

Her eyelids fluttered and he felt her untense into his arms as she drifted to sleep. Sweet sleep where their son was growing healthy and strong, where she wasn’t so ill, and where there were no threats on her family’s life. “Sweet dreams my angels”.

The next morning Esme was sitting up in bed, legs crossed beneath her talking to her belly, “Hi sweet baby, this is your mommy. Daddy’s just gone downstairs to get breakfast. I feel you moving in me, saying hello. We can’t wait to meet you little one, we love you so much-”. “Yes we do” Carlisle stepped back into the room and leaned over for a kiss. “Are you ready for our ‘mini-Lamaze’ class”.  Her stomach bounced with laughter, “I can’t even begin to imagine what Bella and Edward are planning with this”.

“Oh be nice” Rosalie chided as they all settled themselves down on cushions with the help of their over-attentive husbands, “they’ve done the online courses, the least we can do is play along”. Alice jammed an extra pillow underneath the protruding weight of her stomach and behind her back as she leaned on Jasper for support; “Uumph”. 

Edward came in with Bella on his arm and typed out ringed notebooks outlining the course material and ‘homework’.  Emmett giggled, “Haha! Vampire Lamaze, sink your teeth into this, hahaa” he rocked back still laughing until Rosalie elbowed him in the ribs; “Oh come on Em, take this seriously”. 

Edward threw a balled up piece of paper at Emmett before continuing. “So normally Carlisle does all the doctor-y stuff but seeing as he’s one of the expectant dads in the room Bella and I have stepped in and up to the task. “Not to mention that I’d kill him if he wasn’t here with me” Esme teased leaning back into Carlisle as he rubbed her belly possessively.

“Okay, seeing as breathing is a relatively ‘new’ thing you’ve all gone without that you’re all experiencing now we’re going to focus extensively in our breathing exercises as well as physical strengthening exercises. Bella has graciously offered to demonstrate the part of the mother” – He winced as Bella’s eyes darkened with pain before she pasted on a bright smile.

 “There are three types of breathing you’ll be using to cope with the pain of labour and delivery: Slow, Blowing and Patterned”. Edward watched her with a kind of sadness as she took the imaginary place of the pregnant woman she so wanted to be. Renesmee had Jake as a playmate and a friend, she spent most of her waking time with him especially now that most of the household’s focus was on the girls but he knew how much Bella had wanted to give her a sibling.

Sooo?? What did you think? Would love another 6 comments before I post again partially because I ONLY HAVE 2OO WORDS WRITTEN AFTER THIS :( . SO GO AHEAD AND MOTIVATE ME <3 As ever, TLH

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