Chapter 9: They Weren't Expecting This

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“Oooh, Carlisle you said the morning sickness would go away by the 5th month” Esme complained as she lay back on the couch, eyes closed as she tried to keep the room from spinning. He bent down over her with a cool cloth “normally it does my darling. But as unpleasant as this might be our baby is fine, growing and healthy. You’re doing so good Es; you’ll be a fantastic mother”.

  Esme lifted the cloth from her eyes “really?” her eyes were bright as her voice cracked “because I feel like I’m failing already, Carlisle I’m failing our baby and he or she’s not even born yet”. She swung her legs off the couch, too restless and anxious to lie as she was and as she did so turned a sickly grey.

 She clapped one hand to her mouth and one to her distended stomach. She closed her eyes and murmured through tight lips “please, come on baby, shhh”. With a groan and a jolt of her shoulders she got to her feet and lumbered towards the bathroom.

She vaguely noticed the cool strong hands of her husband holding her up as she retched away her last meal. She fell back gasping against him. She turned her head into his chest as he lifted her into his arms and let the tears fall from her exhausted body.

 Instead of going back to their own bedroom, Carlisle turned down the hallway into the would-be nursery, sitting in the soft white armchair rocker with Esme curled in his lap covered in an antique lace trimmed blanket that had once belonged to her grandmother in her human life.  And he rocked the two loves of his life into the sweet oblivion of sleep, whispering life into her, praying and promising whatever was left of his soul to God alternately through the night.

“Carlisle, Carlisle!” Alice waddled into the nursery at 4 am in the morning with an anxious expression on her face and an even more anxious Jasper behind her.

“Shhh”, Carlisle held a finger to his lips and nodded his head towards Esme who was still asleep on his lap “what’s wrong? Is it the babies?”

“What?” Alice looked confused “No, no the babies are fine” she rubbed her stomach. “I had another vision of the Volturi – they’re here” she hissed underneath her breath in a whisper.

“What?” Carlisle raised his voice in concern and then flinched and continued more quietly when Esme stirred and shifted in her sleep. “Alice – by here do you mean the country or Forks or this house???”

“All I saw was five Volturi leaving the Denali house with the mission to come here, to Forks, for us. But for what purpose I don’t know.” she explained as Jasper forced her down into a chair to put her feet up. “They’ll be here by tomorrow morning”.

“Eleazar and Carmen promised us…” Carlisle tried to reassure himself but broke off with a pensive look.

Edward burst in the door, Bella quickly following, “Carlisle, the phone…Eleazar…it’s – he said, the Volturi?”

Esme woke at the loud interruption. She straightened in Carlisle’s arms to face the growing crowd of her family as Rose swept in in a long blush robe “What’s going on?”

Carlisle explained and plans were made for their meeting with the Volturi. “Carlisle I want to meet the monsters who want to kill my child” Rose hissed angrily when it was suggested the girls stay away for the first part of the Volturi’s visit.  

He motioned for her to listen as he continued, “Rose – if Jane uses her power on you, on any of you Esme and Alice it’s too much stress on the body for the fetus to tolerate. You will lose the baby”.

Rosalie paled and sat down heavily next to Emmett who grasped her hand reassuringly; “Oh”. Esme reached over to comfort her daughter.


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