Chapter 21: Torture to the Undeath

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Once they had come to the end of the tarmac they bundled her into a limousine that Esme could tell was armored. They forced her into it and started driving.

Before long one of the guards held her down while the other held a damp cloth over her nose and mouth. She squeezed her eyes shut expecting the blackness to take her again but instead she found it had no effect.

How interesting, she would have to mention this to Carlisle for future reference.

But for now she slumped over in her seat, feigning unconsciousness in the hopes they would speak more freely if they thought she wasn’t listening in.

“You know they’ve realized our absence by now Jane. They’ll have sent more of the guard to find us. Do you intend on telling me any of your brilliant plans or am I merely the muscle, the fall guy behind this operation”.

“Don’t be foolish brother. We’ll both be hailed as the true heads of the vampiric world and of the Volturi reign when this plays out.”

“But where will we keep her? And how will we get the video message to Carlisle without it being intercepted. You of all people Jane should know just how far the hand of the Volturi reaches”.

The baby kicked hard in protest at being scrunched up into her ribs as she was slouched over and she twitched. Their voices stopped but she kept her breathing heavy and eventually their murmurs grew louder again.

After several hours, at least four Esme estimated the car slowed. Still blindfolded she knew they had changed cars after their departure from the airport and as she opened her eyes a slit she saw that it was some kind of all-terrain 4 x4.

Acold vise around her arms let her know she was being moved again; deciding it was okay to ‘awaken’.  All she saw was a flash of greenery and felt a swift rush of cold fresh air before she was swept into what appeared to be a kind of cement bomb shelter – a massive grey square structure set into the ground with no windows and a triple bolted steel door.

The door opened with a hiss and Esme was whisked into it and set down on an army cot. Without saying a word the guard left leaving her completely alone.

She looked warily around her surrounding as she sat on the edge of the cot, absentmindedly rubbing away a cramp from sitting in an unnatural position for long.

It was a tomb, a living tomb that shrouded her in its emptiness, its absence of life. There was a cracked sink, the cot she was sitting on and a dilapidated toilet along with a flimsy looking card table beneath a single light-bulb with a hanging cord swinging below it.

Jane and Alec came into the room, leaving the guard at the shelter’s entrance to stand watch. Esme’s gaze zeroed in to the small Nikon camcorder Alec carried; the Volturi were so archaic that seeing modern technology in proximity to them seemed so inapt.

Jane stood in the corner, the flickering yellow light casting her face in a ghoulish glow. Alec flicked on the camcorder and pointed it at Esme’s figure still seated on the bed. Jane knocked on the door and the two guard stepped back inside.

“What are you doing?” Esme tried to keep her voice even and calm but she couldn’t disguise the tremor that ran through it. “Please, tell me what you want?”

Jane walked over to the side of the cot and tilted her head to one side.

“Oh no, God no, please please don’t hurt my baby”. Esme started to plead with the slight female and rise from the bed, one hand still pressed to her stomach. Jane smiled at the same time the camera’s red light started blinking.

She stared at Jane in horror, her mouth opening in a silent ‘O’ before emitting the most chilling and blood-curdling screams imaginable as her body rose into the air in a frozen arc. Writhing in jerky, seizure-like movements her body stayed in the air for what seemed like endless moments until she came crashing down on the thin pall of the mattress, convulsing, her body twisting in unnatural formations.

Jane turned and Esme’s body stilled but for her heaving chest as she struggled to catch her breath that had been so rudely ripped away by the pain wracking her body. S

he tried to dart from the bed for the door but again Jane turned her cruel gaze on the panicked mother-to-be who fell to the floor as every vein screamed with icy fire that tunneled through it shredding every nerve ending until she lay barely breathing on the damp cement floor.

Praying for a miracle she used her final reserve of strength to curl her body in a protective cage around the bulge of her baby.

Jane just laughed, a high cold sound that chilled even the icy blood of a vampire.

And it was that laugh that stayed with Carlisle long after he had watched the tape of his wife’s torture. The torture of an innocent woman and the senseless torture of a baby, his woman, his wife, his baby...


Hahahaa...You asked for it!!!!! I just want to give out a big thank you to people like Sdreamer, minivampiregirl, Warriorreader, Angelsinhell666, CharlzJade, Meganrush, Twilighter 227 and LucyGreen29 who commented this week. The comments keep me going guys!!! So thank you :)

So what do you think of my cliffie?? Hahaa don't worry, the moment I have 6 comments from 6 different people that means you mini :P I'll upload the next part in which you may or may not see Rosalie's birth scene. So COMMENT!!! xoxo, TLH

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