Chapter 7: Sweet Nothing - Mature/not essential to story

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Emmett snorted as he walked into the kitchen. He chortled as he wrapped his arms around Rosalie “you guys look like little bouncing balls when you laugh”. Rosalie swatted him and he smothered her protest with a kiss “and I think it’s adorable”. Vaguely mollified by that answer Rose peevishly stuffed another muffin into her mouth.

A huffing noise from the other room had the men running and the others following to find a breathless harried looking Alice try and extricate herself from the armchair she had been napping in.

“Oh honey”, Bella eased her into a sitting position while the guys straightened up trying not to laugh which they were failing at miserably.  At just 5 months pregnant Alice was already dwarfed by her ginormous belly. All the girls were now very obviously pregnant, but with twins Alice easily beat them all in waist size and circumference. Rosalie gave Alice’s stomach an affectionate pat – don’t listen to them darlin’, we’ll just get our revenge by dragging them shopping so they can carry our bags isn’t that right boys?” Her tongue-in-cheek query was met with all around groans.

“They need to come out noooww” Alice groaned once she was safely seated on the couch. Jasper was sitting cross legged on the floor leaning on the couch. He reached up easily rubbing his pouting wife’s stomach soothingly. “They’re not ready yet love”. After a moment’s focus, Alice untensed a little and sank back into the cushions, exhaling deeply. “Thank you baby” she murmured gratefully to Jasper who just smiled, savouring the fact his gift also worked on his children and ornery wife; “Anything for you”.

“Ugh I just feel so large” Alice bemoaned that night as they were getting ready for bed. She pulled her nightgown over her bump that strained against the thin fabric.

“Just let me worship every glorious inch of you” Jasper’s voice and lips rasped deliciously across her skin. She shivered and he poured warm oil into a glass dish he had filled with white rose petals. He dipped his fingers in it and stroked it evenly across her swollen skin.  The feeling of the heated oil mixed with his icy touch made the moment unbearably sweet and sensual. He smoothed the fragrant oil into her pale limbs, easing the soreness and ache that the pregnancy brought to her body.

“Mmmm” she breathed and let out a high pitched sigh. He massaged her belly, working in the oils, softening her skin in the hopes the manipulation would help with the actual birth that would take place in a mere 4 months. His fingers dipped skillfully lower, pleasing her and stretching her in equal parts. His shaft replaced his hands and her eyes flew open to meet with her mate’s as their souls saw into each other’s in an explosion of icy sparks and searing fire that bound them together impossibly closer.

They lay with each other afterward, Jasper lay his head on her stomach and she stroked the golden curls until her hand slowed and then stopped completely as she slept and folding his hands under the convex curve of her front, held her and his children in his embrace.

------------------------------------------------Chapter 12----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 “I’m sorry Emmett” Rosalie mumbled into his chest as they sat in the rocking chair, “don’t be sorry, never be sorry Rosie”. “You’re perfect, always have been the best thing that’s ever happened to me”.  His large calloused hands brushed against the sides of her full breasts, aptly teasing the undersides to swollen perfection. She purred out her contentment and he shifted her so that she was straddling him as he sat with her in his lap in the white wicker rocking chair near the bay window with moonlight streaming in illuminating them. He eased into her sweet honeyed core feeling her tighten around him. Their bodies craved each other in a way that was deeper more potent than any immortal thirst could ever be. Emmett rocked his heels so that the movement of the chair did the work, rocking her back and forth as he glided in and out. They rocked faster together in perfect sweeping rhythm until her head threw back and he buried his face in the flawless silky cream of her chest until her harsh breathing became the soft sighs of sleep.

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