Chapter 15: "Tu Sei mia Dolcezza Paradiso"

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Esme pressed a hand to the side of her tummy and inhaled sharply. In a moment, Carlisle was next to her massaging the pain away; “round ligament pain” he explained as he felt the muscle – “it’s just your body stretching to accommodate the growth”.  

She yawned and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. She had washed her hair and was about to pull on her pajama bottoms when she caught reflection of herself in the mirror and she straightened. Carlisle had come silently to the half open door. The angles of her body had softened into the deep curves of motherhood – she had always had the body of a 1940’s pin-up model, wasp-waisted with full breasts and hourglass hips. And there was a new light in her eyes and a lightness to her movements, despite her body made heavy with child, which belied the new joy in her life.

Her eyes were closed as she brushed her hair and he walked behind her and encircled her waist, no longer the hand span it once was but the new fullness and ripeness he filled his hands with was so much more precious and achingly beautiful. He turned her face to his and kissed her. His hands fell to her breasts, stroking them and teasing them to stiff peaks that sent thrumming pleasure through her body with every touch.

Carlisle saw her eyes cloud with self-doubt as she eyed her changed and changing body and he felt her need to cover herself. He sucked her earlobe, his tongue titillating the tender pressure point behind her ear that never failed to arouse her. “You are so beautiful cara mia…” He broke off into Italian as he worshipped her body with his hands and mouth.

“Carissima, tu sei mia moglie- la futura madre di mio figlio; ogni centimetro e una parte del tuo corpo è bello e prezioso e completo e maturo con la vita. Ogni giorno e ogni momento che ho con te è un dono mi sento di non meritare. Tu sei un dono di Dio e una benedizione nutro ogni giorno della mia vita. I tuoi capelli è il fuoco di un tramonto, le tue labbra il frutto della terra generosa, il seno vivificante e la tua pancia piena prezioso che all'interno di essa porta il nostro figlio, per la valle in ombra sotto cui voglio seppellire me stesso. Voglio essere dentro di te, di sentire il vostro calore e lo spirito e vi riempia con la promessa della vita eterna insieme. Perché tu sei la mia felicità, la luce della mia vita e la mia prova che c'è un paradiso.”

His lips moved in erotic pattern across her skin as he whispered to her in Italian. She gripped his shoulders tightly, her knees weakening as he dipped down to taste her. “Carlisle” she breathed, “I c-can’t” her knees buckled and he caught her effortlessly and brought her over to the bed. He cupped her to him and lifted her onto him so that she could take him in slowly. But she was insatiable and ground her hips against him pleading for him.

 The sound of her breathing hitched and her whimpering drove him to the brink of madness. In perfect undulating primal synchronicity their souls merged in an eruption of light and heat. He ran his fingers through the tight curls at the apex of her thighs, just touching the swollen blushed skin before his hands moved up to her stomach.  He gently kneaded the tight skin across her belly that looked full to bursting even at 7 months pregnant until the soreness left her body leaving only satiety and he kissed her eyes closed as her lips opened into the soft mew of sleep. 


Thought I would send some fluff your way to keep you going while I figure out the Volturi fight/drama ! I just love Carlisle and Esme as a couple *sigh!* Don't you love the Italian part?? You can always go to google --> language tools --> translate to figure it out.

And guys do yourselves a favour and check out @RoseoftheDark . Great up and coming writer who would love your support and reads. Love this girl!

Your comments mean the world to me guys, even if they're just a 'love it!' or an 'upload soon'. Keep commenting!!!!!!!!!! You guys are amazing <3 <3 <3 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox, TLH

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