Chapter 6. cyanide

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It took a good while before Oikawa slowly stopped spending sleepless nights overworking to forget, trying to slip away from his guilty conscious. It has been a full month since the killing, which he was surprised nothing rised from the death. No suspicions, no cases, no cops.

But something was slowly getting him curious about, something that should be seen as forbidden. That feeling of power he had as he watched the man die. The feeling of justice he had when he freed the world of this vermine. The estatic feeling of adrenaline as he watched the man beg, cry and shake in fear.

He wanted to feel it again, that unique feeling. It shouldn't be what he wanted, he knew it was wrong, he knew it was far from his morals. He wanted to feel it all again. He wanted to see it all again. He wanted to experience it, but this time orchestrate it better, develop a plan to have it done the way he fantasized about.

And so he thought of a plan. It wasn't going to be a plan that could be done whenever, it needed certain circumstance for it.

And that circumstance came after one long month of waiting impatiently on his next victim.


Oikawa was known to be an amazing lawyer, not just from his incredible school scores, or his witnessing of many cases or even participation in insane cases. He was known to pull almost every one of his clients out of trouble and win their case.

Now notice how I said almost.

This particular case, the final circumstance he needed to put his plan in action. This was the kind ofcase he was known to take since they are the hardest to win, but if he sees potential, he takes it.

This one had no potential. This woman had no way out of this, but not only that, she became cocky when Oikawa took her case. She acted like she was a know-it-all, like she owned the world and nothing would harm her.

This woman, Ichiko Hie, had been convicted for physical and verbal abuse towards her children and the husband claimed she raped him. The woman pleaded not guilty, even blaming the abuse on the husband.

Yet everything was up against her. The kids claimed only the mother would hit them or yell at them. The father said that she forced him to go through with intercourse, either tying him and doing it by force, drugging him or threatning him.

Her attitude, her acts and crimes made his blood boil. Yet, there was a detail Oikawa was able to dig out from a contact in the woman's phone, investigating on his own side.

His plan was fool proof. He asked the woman if he could meet with her at her home, like a dinner meeting to 'discuss' the case. Of course she said yes and even got all preepy about it, promising to cook the best meal ever.

And he promised the client he would bring dessert, mentioning that one of his friends owns a bakery with a famous cherry cupcake.

Now he was currently standing in front of the woman's door, a file in hand and the cupcake box in the other. She opened the door with a wide smile, acting as if he was her lover coming home from a long day of work, minus the physical affection part. He greeted her with a kind smile, masking his annoyance.

And she served him dinner, which was pasta. If he had to be honest, he couldn't tell if he was eating cardboard or linguini. "Now, miss, we should discuss how we can counter the proof with evidence that you haven't harmed your husband and children."

"Isn't that your job? I am paying you to do that, so that's not my problem." She responded with a shrug, leaning forward on her elbows as she tilted her head towards him. "My job is to prove your innocence, your duty is to show me why you are innocent. If you can't do this much then I am allowed to brrak this contract when I please." He said sternly as he ignored her poor flirting attempt, sighing as he forced another bite or the god awful food down.

"Fucking useless aren't you." The woman said as she sat back, sliding her plate aside and grabing the cupcake box pretty violently. Oikawa just watched her with an empty stare. "Shouldn't you be finishing your meal before dessert?" "What, are ypu gonna make me? Trying to act like a mom?"

She pulled out the first cupcake, looking at him with a mocking glance. "I shall take my leave and inform my superiors about breaking this contract then." She put down the cupcake rapidly, standing up as she glared. "Oh no you're not. We aren't breaking this contract. Sit your fucking ass back down." And so he did.

That's when she bit into the cupcake. The fake smile Oikawa used the whole time slowly became genuine as he watched her devour her first cupcake.  She had a surprised look on her face after eating the first one in the spawn of seconds. "Hey, these aren't half bad!"

She smiled at him sweetly, licking her fingers up a bit. She didn't ask, but she still reached in the duo box for the second one. Just as fast, she ate it. She looked pretty satisfied with the sweets , discarding the box and wrappers a bit further on the table.

Just as she opened her mouth to speak, she choked, inhaling rapidly as she clutched her chest. The smile Oikawa had morphed into one filled with hatred towards the woman. At that moment, he spoke up. "Do you really think I actually wanted to work with you? Pityful." He said as she teared up, just like the last man.

Oikawa checked his watch, assuming he had about a minute or so before the woman would be a mere corpse. "I would never take sides with a woman who hurt innocent children and raped a man, even worse your own husband." He stood up again, slowly and menacingly as he watched the woman slowly become needy of oxygen.

"You are the biggest scum I've seen so far. Now die." He said as he left, the moment the door shut was the moment he heard a loud thud, assuming it was the woman's body.


When the cops finally found her, it was a week later, the day of her trial. She was late to her trial, so Oikawa suggested that they should sent a police car to collect her. When the cops found a cause for her death, they claimed it was an overdose.The woman was a drug addict, specifically heroine.

Now, pop quiz for the readers: what does heroine do? Deteriorates your organs. Now what is the most important organ? The heart. What does cyanide focus on? The heart and blood cells.

And this time, Oikawa didn't break down. This time, he smiled sadistically at himself in the mirror.

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