Chapter 1. intro

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"Say, Shittykawa, what drove you to study law in the first place?" Iwaizumi asked as he turned towards his childhood friend with the help of the roatating barstool.

The bar they were at was an average one; it wasn't too crowded yet the place was still lively, it reeked the scent of strongs and beer all while the music playing couldn't seem to decide whether it was supposed to be pop, electronic or jazz.

The bar itself was more of a 2010's type of decore, freshly remodeled from the previous year since it previously had a dying 1970's look. The walls had a sheet of veneer with a greyish brownish stone print, dark wooden floors which fitted well with the beams on the ceiling and wall corner. There was a fireplace, which added ro the slight cabin feel the place had going on. The bar itself was a massive, hand carved dark oak counter with a black granite top, LED lights stuck under the ledge of the granite to add style.

Oikawa raised a brow to his friend, Iwaizumi Hajime, who had inveted him to this cozy bar to catch up on the last month; his finals were rough and he couldn't go out much since he wanted to be sure to not fail.

He let out a soft chuckle as he sipped his drink- whiskey on the rocks. He wasn't much of a drinker nor did he enjoy being drunk, so he usually stuck to a single glass of whiskey on the rocks whenever he went to a bar.

"Well, the pay is quite high for a lawyer you know." He said in a slightly joking tone, making his well built friend roll his eyes at him. "Right, coming from the volleyball prodigy himself." He said before downing his beer, turning to his ex-team captain.

"I'm sure they would have payed a nice sum in a professional team too. Unless you finally gave up on your crazy desire to beat those who are better than you." Iwaizumi said as he passed a hand through his dark brown locks- his hair freshly cut making his hair look spiky.

"Jeez Iwa-chan, you're quite nosy after your 3rd beer aren't you?" Oikawa said with a slight smirk as he turned his body towards hos friend, crossing his legs as he made himself comfortable in hos stool.

"Stop that." Iwaizumi said, Oikawa tilting his head and faking a pout. "Stop what? I didn't do anything!" He whined as Iwaizumi grumbled, calling another beer. "Analysing me. You always analyse people, which is honestly irritating, but I hate it when you analyse me." He said a he watched the bartender refill his glass.

"It's a force of habit, my bad." Oikawa mumbled before taking another sip of his own beverage, trying to ignore the  god awful music the was being blasted so loudly at this hour.

Iwaizumi grumbled again, tapping his finger on the granite countertop. He kept glancing between Oikawa and his drink, the reflection of the glossy lips from him drink, his somehow perfect face with clear skin.

He turned away, slowly sliding onto the smooth, cool counter to hide his flushed face in his arms. He couldn't tell if he felt warm from the alcohol, if it was because of his awkward thoughts or a combination of both. One thing for certain was that Oikawa would observe his closely, just like a dissected animal to the hands of a scientist, a new species waiting to be discovered.

Yet he kept his mouth shut and watched, sipping on his drink casually, observing people at the bar with disinterest. His usual play boy days were behind him, becoming more of a serious man. His usual attention seeking attitude toned down with age.

He finished his glass and set it on the counter, passing it to the bartender. "May I have the check for the two of us? I'll take my friend home." Oikawa told the bartender, a middle-aged man who seemed rather friendly. "No problem sir! Your total is 30$" Oikawa payed tge beverages, taking note that the prices were lower than usual.

The brunette then turned to the ex-ace, gently tugging on his arm to pull him out of his hazy thoughts. Iwaizumi grunted but stood up without a complaint, stumbling a bit on his first steps out of the bar.

But the fresh air of the early night in may sobered him up rather rapidly. The cool air felt nice on his face, like a soft caress from the wind, slowly lulling him into a peaceful daze. The buzzing world around him quieted down, shutting his eyes as he walked to feel the breeze just a bit more.

He stumbled, but he couldn't care less. The air on his face blew faster, more aggressively as his body fell forward. His mind was still numbed, but he opened his eyes. His vision was blurry and a sharp pain went through his skull. Seconds became minutes as his fall seemed slow.

His ears rang. As the rigning slowly dissipated into a softer vibration, one that let noise pass through a bit better, he heard screeching tires and a yell of despair. When his eyes found focus again, everything happened so fast.

Headlights were aimed straight to his head like a gun, ready to shoot, the bullet being a car, desperately trying to stop. Yet, just like a bullet, the machine couldn't stop since the mechanism already went off, any chance of slowly fully before impact being strictly minimal.

It started with a sharp pain in his abdomen, next a worsening headache. His body bounced roughly off of the bumper, landing a few feet away and ultimately stopping the car.

He felt like his insides were being incinerated, yet frozen to death as his pain was a mix of excruciating and numbing. Oikawa was yelling at the driver, crying as the driver shakingly pulled out their phone. Iwaizumi let out a disoriented noise, catching his friend's attention right away.

The law student ran to his friend, immediately looking at all the visible  injuries, trying to figure out a way to help. "Please iwa-chan, don't pass out, stay with me."

He couldn't reply, he couldn't feel his mouth or jaw at this point, his eyelids slowly following as the dropped, shutting fully just as he heard sirens in the distance.

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