Chapter 4. actions

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And so Oikawa graduated from law school, finally getting his degree as a lawyer. He smiled proudly as people took pictures of his holding his diploma and a set of flowers, just like many other graduates who he went to class with.

They all bid their final goodbyes to both the teachers and other students as the graduates walked out of the hall, some seeming proud as others seemed unphased to the diploma they earned. Oikawa was quite proud, but something was just nagging him.

He headed back home with Iwaizumi in his tracks, his brain just buzzing with no break, edging to a headache. Iwaizumi knew the familiar expression of annoyance Oikawa held as he either overthought or bothered him, so he let him be.

Little did he know, Oikawa's thoughts slid to the darker side, slowly bitting away his proud feeling attached to the diploma in his hand. The car accident Iwaizumi was in was what kept filling his thoughts, except his imagination ran wild on what the driver should go through as a way to pay for being irresponsible and soulless.

His thoughts wrapped around his head like a viscous snake, holding him in a chokehold as he watched the man bathe in crimson in his imagination. He watched as the fluid ran down the tiles on the ground, as the panic and painted his face and fear glimmering in his eyes.

He could just feel a weapon in hand and without looking, he knew it was a knife. Yet- he knew that wasn't the way he wanted the man to die. It was too gruesome, too much effort and too much of a mess.

He tried to push those thoughts away again as he headed in to his appartement complax, taking the elevator up to his floor as his friend still followed. He quickly entered his rented room, heading to the bedroom to change outfit.

Iwaizumi conventionally was already in a nice dress shirt and jeans, ready to head to the club. Oikawa was wearing a suit for the graduation ceremony, something about being formal and professional.

He switched to a black button up and jeans, similar to Iwaizumi, paired with leather shoes. He quickly restyled his hair a bit and sprayed cologne before nodding at his friend- ready to go.



t took about 20 minutes in a cab for the 2 men to arrive at the club, a rather loud mysic booming through the thick walls of the place. Oikawa already signed a goodbye contract to his ears before even stepping out of the car, knowing he'd be deaf by the end of the night.

The atmosphere was rather lively, as usual. People were already drunk, some grinding on others on the dancefloor, some passed out on a table. There was a mix of types through the mass of sweaty people; the rave girls being the most flashy, followed by the 'simply, expensive and classy' girls. As for the boys, the typical button down shirt seemed rather popular, especially opened up to try and attract girls.

Iwaizumi got pulled into the crowd, sending desperate glances to Oikawa. Oikawa simply smirked at his friend, heading to the bar as he kindly ignored the people catcalling him.

"Hello my dear, what's the speciality cocktail today?" The young woman rolled her eyes at the pet name but kindly replied to Oikawa. "We have tequila sunrise, Windex and charred cherry whiskey lemonade." Oikawa blinked a few times.

"W-windex? As in the cleaning product?" The woman laughed, shaking her head lightly. "It's a mix of sprite, vodka, blue Curacao, banana liquor and apple liquor. It looks like Windex in the glass, so we just stuck with that name." Oikawa nodded his head, saying a short 'oh'.

"I'll have the drink woth the whiskey in it. I much rather whiskey to be honest." The woman nodded and made the drink rapidly, at least until it came to the last ingredient. She cussed and grabbed something from the back, turning to the brunette with an apologetic smile.

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