chapter 11. storm

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Oikawa made himself comfortable in his couch near the window, the one with an amazing view on the city. The evening sun gave the city buildings a nice golden reflect, the type that you just can't look away from. And so, he held onto his mug, a lemon green tea in hand as he slowly sank into the couch.

Iwaizumi sat beside Oikawa with his own mug, making little noise to avoid disrupting the peaceful atmosphere. The two sipped their tea in silence ast they watched the city change colors, fading from a beautiful golden color to many shades of orage and red, soon fading to pink and prussian blue with tints of midnight purple.

Oikawa finished his drink, standing to go set his mug in the dishwasher, Iwaizumi trailing behind him. Iwaizumi took the opportunity to break the silence now that they were done watching the sunset.

"Hey Oikawa?" He started off the conversation in such a simple way, not knowing where to start. Oikawa hummed before shutting the dishwasher, turning to Iwaizumi with a raised brow. "Yes?" Iwaizumi sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets out of habit.

" So uhm.. Sorry if I seemed distant in the past weeks. With the new expansions in Osaka and all, I got really busy and I want to make it up to you." He mumbled out as he looked away. Oikawa chuckled, taking a seat at the small dining table.

"Don't worry, it's understandable. You do have a growing and successful business going on." Oikawa said as he motionned Iwaizumi to take a seat. The former did so, makig himself comfortable once again in his friends furniture.

"So how's life been these past days?" The black haired male asked rather awkwardly, unsure how to keep the conversation flowing. There was just something in Iwaizumi that made his heart flutter whenever he looked at Oikawa, making his throath tighten and make words almost impossible to mutter when he didn't know what to say.

Yet he knew what it meant. He didn't want to ruin what they had built together through the years with what he felt, especially since he felt a bit disgusted with himself. Liking men as a men? What a bad joke life had instored on him.

The brunette shrugged. "Not much, just watching the world's scum get what they deserve." He said a bit to coldly. He may have said it with a bit of venom in his tone without noticing, but he couldn't care less. He had all his pent up anger on people who enjoy committing attrocious crimes, and couldn't help but let it out by accident.

"Hey trashykawa, are you alright?" Iwaizumi asked, a little worried by his friend's change in behavior. Oikawa blinked once or twice, realising that the strong gusts of wind in him may have escaped through hos mouth by accident for a minute there.

He needed to calm the raging storm in him, he needed to findthe right balance again. He couldn't lose his cool infront of the only person he didn't want to hurt. He showed a slightly tight smile, but tried to avoid the question. Inst3ad he stood and walked to his livingroom library case and pulled out a thick law book.

His apartment was an open plan, so Iwaizumi simply watched as the taller male came back with a thick book, sitting back at the table with the book, opening it at a certain page. "You see, this whole book is filled, page by page, with laws the country and government chose to instore to avoid any chaos and try to keep peace."

He flipped a page, placing his finger on a law with an annoyed face. "But some laws are absolute nonsense and actually can be used as an excuse to justify someone's actions." He said as Iwaizumi peeked at the line in question.

It was section 43 of the criminal code in the book, it was written: Every schoolteacher, parent or person standing in the place of a parent is justified in using force by way of correction toward a pupil or child, as the case may be, who is under his care, if the force does not exceed what is reasonable under the circumstances.

"See this? Now do you know how many people used this law to justify their actions?" Iwaizumi blinked and stared at the book in shock. "But isn't hitting kids condemned?" Oikawa shook his head. "No. The only time the law is considered broken is if there are excessive amounts of force used regularly."

Oikawa sighed. "I saw a case in which a teenager brought their parents to court for physical abuse and the child lost. The parents claimed it was correctionnal, that the teenager was out past her cerfew with friends, got bad grades and vaped." He flipped to the next page with a hateful expression.

"The girl tried to explain her cerfew was only 10pm and she was 17, had her driver's license and the only times she was home late, it was by mere minutes. As for the smoking, she called them out form smoking cigarettes regularly. And for her grades, they were all passing, just not high."

He took a deep breth to calm himself down as he didn't want to do anything irrational. Oikawa knew that getting mad over it wouldn't help, the only help he could give would be a bit too hard to achieve fully without getting suspected.

"But her last beating was a month before she had a doctor check-up to see the physical damage, so it was cleared up. They found traces of self harm thought, so they ended up putting her in a mental hospital and letting the parents go without any consequences."

"That's a stupid law." Iwaizumi said, starting to understand Oikawa's anger, but only a mere fraction of it.
Oikawa took a deep breath before speaking up again. "Laws are like promises, only fools will abide by them and swear to not break them."

Oikawa said as he started looking through his law book with a bored expression, catching Iwaizumi's attention. "Oh? So, mr. having a mental meltdown over the case, where are you going with this point?" Oikawa snorted even though he was slightly angered. He knew Iwaizumi meant it in a nice way to try to lighten Oikawa's mood.

"Say Iwaizumi, have you ever wanted to break the law? I'm not talking about minor things here, like stealing snacks from a convenience store or popping a pill." Iwaizumi tilted his head slightly in interest. "I mean yeah, but where are you going with this?"

"This world is full of pigs who I can't even give the victims their needed justice." was all he said before slamming his book shut. The color in Iwaizumi's face drained a bit. "Oikawa..?"

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