Chapter 7. little talks

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It was a normal Sunday afternoon for both Oikawa and Iwaizumi. Both decided to meet up for lunch at Iwaizumi's work place, doing a little meet up every few days to keep in close touch.

The two sat in their usual seat, the corner one with the beautiful view of the main street. They could watch the lively street buzz with hundreds of people walk, jog and run to god knows where. Some would stop and sit at the café's balcony, ordering a fresh drink like an iced coffee or a fruit smoothie.

Some even ordered the house's specialty, the cherry cupcake. It was rather funny how that became the popular point of this place, considering that Iwaizumi always uses top quality coffee beans, always makes sure every drink is served perfectly and how he tried to create new seasonal specialities to attract clients.

The cherry cupcake was actually a suggestion by a couple of their friend group. Hanamaki wanted to surprise Matsukawa for his birthday with a special cake, but he can't bake for the life of him. So Iwaizumi baked cupcakes, specifically the cherry cupcakes that made this place known.

They celebrated Matsukawa's birthday at the café and many clients saw the special cupcake, wanting to try it. Since, many people spread the word about the little sweet, making more people interested in the small business.

Soon Hajime invested in a bigger place to sell, on the other side of town. He let someone else in charge of his original café since many people lived near the original place and he didn't want to take that away from them.

So he opened a bigger shop, which attracted a lot of tourists and locals. This time, he made sure to add a few cherry flavoured treats, like cherry iced lemonade, chocolates with syrup and cherries in the center and even made matcha cake with a sweet cherry and vanilla frosting, designed as cherry blossoms for when cherry blossoms bloom and flood japan.

Oikawa's personal favorite was the matcha cupcakes, he always got himself one when he visited Iwaizumi on the job. Those were actually Oikawa's idea to put on the menu, and  it's rather popular too. He was just happy his favorite dessert could now be baked by his childhood friend, and he got to enjoy it.

He also would order bubble tea, the fruity one. It may seem like an odd combination, but he didn't care. He just liked to enjoy stuff he liked, without caring of what others think.

Iwaizumi always got a dark coffee. He would always ask a different employee to make it and always test the coffee just like how a professional would do it; taking a small sip to rise his mouth, spitting it out in a small cup - which the employee would then pick up and trow away- then sip it a few times before either sending it back or approving.

That simple test showed wheter the employee would be making his coffee right or not. And if it wasn't rigt, Iwaizumi would test them again a second time. If they don't succeed, they have one last chance. If after 3 times they can't make quality coffee, he downgraded them from barista to waiter or janitor. He claims he wants the best of the best for his clients.

He would vary his treat for his own brunch, sometimes a cream soup that they specialized in for the last 2 weeks, either a sandwich. He rarely ate sweets, claiming he had to try new bakes often and he doesn't feel like eating sweet for a brunch.

Oikawa admired Iwaizumi and his hard work, the time and effort he put into what he made. Always wanting the best quality for his clients is what made him successful. Every detail counted.

This day, Iwaizumi had some exciting news to share with Oikawa, and he had trouble staying in one place as he was about to announce it. "Hey, shitty kawa, guess what?" He started, trying to hold back his smile.

"Geez iwa, you look like you have ants in your pants, what's up?" Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. "Okay, so you know how I've been trying to find some new thing to try as a new add? You know, to get a bit more people interested in what I do so I can try to open another shop?" Oikawa nodded.

Since his success in his job, Iwaizumi was always planning on opening another shop, but this time aiming for Osaka since he already had two shops in Tokyo.  "Yeah, what do you have in mind?" Oikawa asked, leaning in as he was obliviously interested.

"So, this regular client of ours called us earlier, right? Okay so, you know how I told you he asked hus girl in marrige on the balcony when the cherry blossoms bloomed and all?" Oikawa nodded, letting out a small "yeah?" Waiting for what Iwaizumi was so excited about.

"Yeah well he called me to make his wedding cake! Heck, he said both him and his girl still can't get over the matcha cake they had on the proposal day and they wanted me to make their wedding cake!" He said excitedly. Oikawa smiled widely, grabbing Iwaizumi's hands as he shot up excitedly.

"Holy shit that's so cool! I'm so proud of you Iwa-chan!" He said as he jumped a bit, Iwaizumi chuckling lightly. "Yeah, I was also invited and allowed to bring someone along. And since the matcha cake was your idea... " And he trailed off.

Oikawa blushed lightly, his smile becoming a little bashful this time. "Y-yes! I'd love to!" He answered a bit rapidly, overwhelmed in joy. Iwaizumi smiled widely as he pulled out his sketchbook, showing Oikawa the planning of the wedding cake.

"So I was thinking to make it a 3 story square shape, but the cakes would be layered about 1½ inch instead of 2 on each layed, so the white chocolate spread inside won't be lost, right? So then..." And he went on for 15 minutes, describing the cake and decorations.

Since the proposal was done during the cherry blossoms, he thought it would be a great idea to decorate the cake with fodant cherry blossoms flowers and candy pearls and Crystals. As for the topper, he called to get one customized, and even Oikawa was amazed at the sketch and idea.

It was going to be a small, chocolate based cherry blossoms tree, hagning over the groom and bride with the café balcony in the background. What made the cake even cooler was the idea of adding tiny fairy lights in the toppers. He was still considering fairy light around the caje to decorate, but he still needed to send the idea to the groom and bride's parents, since the future weds wanted to be surprised.

Oikawa couldn't describe the overwhelming joy he felt for Iwaizumi in words, nor could he explain his fluttering heart when Iwaizumi asked him to join him. But one thing for sure, he felt at peace.

It made him forget what he's done, and also wish Iwaizumi would never find out what he's done.

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