Chapter 3. talks

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After 7 days, Oikawa got kicked out of the hospital room. The staff were woried for his mental health and physical health. Not only that, but he was graduating in 3 days, so he  needed to clean himself up to look spot on at his graduation.

He headed home in a bad mood, hating that he had to leave as he just wanted to keep an eye on his friend, his best friend, his childhood friend. He kicked a can on the side of the road, feeling a little bad when it hit a nearby pigeon in the head, making the poor thing fly off in weird spirals, almost hitting a wall as it did so.

He made his way up to his apartment, nothing too fancy, but enough for him to be comfortable. It was on the seventh story of a building on the border of the city, one room one bathroom with a modern decoration of black, grey, white and teal.

He went for a shower right away, his own smell disgusting him. He started to wonder if perhaps the nurses kicked him out because his smell was starting to become a biohazard. Or maybe it was his bloodied cardigan, which he hasn't changed since the accident.

He had a nice, refreshing shower, even doing some skin and face care afterwards to try and not loose his perfectly clear skin he worked so hard for. He even went as face as re-applying base nail polish to his nails to give them the nice glossy look he love so much.

He fluffed and styled his hair immaculately, as always, making sure to not overdo it with the hairspray so it wouldn't look crispy. He then got a fresh change of clothes since he has only been wearing a towel since he got out of the shower, opting for a light blue button up shirt with rolled sleeves, cuffed skinny jeans and low white converse.

He then realised he left his phone at the hospital and grunted, grabbing his keys and heading back to the damned place. The secretary eyed him a few times before smiling and letting him in with a suggestive smile. He brushed her off and headed to his friend's room to retrieve his phone.

He kind of just barged in, assuming Iwaizumi would be sleeping or no nurses or doctors would be there.

Oh how he was wrong.

Not only was there a nurse looking at the shirtless Iwaizumi, rubbing a wet cloth on his bare chest to wash him off per usual, but Iwaizumi was wide awake, looking halfway through uncomfortable and trying to relax, clearly not going to decide on either.

Oikawa choked, happy but also confused to see his friend well and awake. Iwaizumi's gaze shot up, looking straight at Oikawa. He blushed a bit but smiled. "Funny how you got kicked out when I woke up." Iwaizumi said with a snicker, making Oikawa confused as to how he knew that.

"But how do you kno-" "The nurse told me, ya stinky biohazard." The black haired male replied with another snicker. Oikawa grunted as he rolled his eyes, heading to grab his phone. He waited as Iwaizumi was getting washed by a nurse, scrolling on Instagram as he waited.

The doctor came in for a daily check-up, asking a few questions to the spiky haired man to see how everything was going. After a few papers to sign, the doc told Oikawa everything was going well.

His wounds weren't as bad as they seemed; his body was just under shock from the alcohol and the accident, shutting down for a few days as he stabilized himself.

A cut on his head was what made Iwaizumi bleed quite a bit, which thankfully wasn't as bad as it seemed. He was lucky enough to get out of it without a concussion. He had large bruises and a few scrapes, but the rest was A okay.

"I'd say in about 2 days you'll be okay to go, just make sure to grab the pain killing cream and the ointment for your injuries." The doctor said to the boy, taking his leave right after.

Oikawa soon helped iwaizumi out of bed and up on his feet to take a few steps, see if walking wasn't too bad. He did wince a few times but seemed fine after a minutes Iwaizumi almost looked in top shape. Oikawa set him back down to rest, sitting in his usual chair.

"So, what happened to the ass who got me in here?" Oikawa flinched and looked away, sratching his thigh a bit as he couldn't keep eye contact with his childhood friend. He bit the tip of his tongue to jo spit out something harsh or inappropriate, which didn't go unseen to Iwaizumi.

"I know that look." Iwaizumi said as he got comfy. "He got away with it, didn't he." With a nod from the soon graduating lawyer, Iwaizumi sighed. "Look, don't blame yourself for it, alright? The moment will come when he gets what he deserves."

"But I could have done better!" Oikawa said sharply through his tightened theet, trying his best not to yell. "The damn cop barely let me speak as the dude was just yapping non stop on how you ruined his junk piece of a car. If I would have argued a bit more steadily I could have given you justice!"

"Shut up, trashykawa. It's fine. Ypu always do so much for me, it'll be fine." Iwaizumi said firmly, in a tine that meant no more arguing. And so, the subject changed. "You're graduating in 3 days, right? We'll go to a club after the graduation ceremony to celebrate, drinks on me."

"Iwa I can pay-" "excuse you, but you pay your rent, paid my drinks, probably paid my hospital bill knowing you, now let me treat you a bit." Oikawa sighed and gave up. "Fine, but as long as you don't go crazy."

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