chapter 10. monsters

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Oikawa sighed and closed his pocket watch, heading to the building he was due to visit. He knew what he'd do wasn't in his usual methods, but he didn't need anyone to get suspicious of him.

As much as killing his own clients off who he knows deserve it, he knew that eventually people would get suspicious about the whole thing.

So, he decided to poke his nose in pthers business without them knowing. He went through others'files, finding a new plausible victim. He worked with the same methods, poisoning with cyanide.

This time he decided to switch from foods to anything that could be poisoned. Play it on the victim's territory to make it less suspect. He didn't leave any traces on any of the documents about the client that Oikawa 'offered juridical help' to not get caught.

Anyway, what were the odds he would be blamed? Near zero. Since law school he was praised for always finding solutions for any situation. Once in the real laywer playground, he quickly became the new country's best lawyer.

Basically, with a reputation like his, he felt like he'd have a good cover. Who would blame a lawyer, someone who's job is to work and defend victims, to be a cold blooded killer?

And with his method, he knew that police wouldn't figure it out right away. Oikawa liked to weigh his odds, making sure everything was in his favor. Why take risks to being caught? That would ruin his fun.

He had only killed 3 victims so far, the fourth one to come. Would the cops soon suspect something? It was hard to know. Since cyanide made death look natural, it was hard to really prove it was murder. Better yet, who would they even blame for the murder?

Now Oikawa did extensive research on his main method, making sure to not give it away with a minor detail, especially the smell. Cyanide was know to smell a bit like almonds, so he needed to find ways to hide the smell.

And as nice as Cinnamon is to hide it, it could be evident for someone who has basic knowledge on said poison. Not only that, but he needed to start thinking of people's digestive systems.

Depending on how fast the body is found, it's preferable to put it in something that is quickly digested, like a liquid. Now water may seem evident but the problem is that the smell would be evident with water.

So his solution? Have tea or coffee with the victim at their place, poison the bevreage, watch them die and leave. Now that may seem far fetched, but Oikawa did put odds on his side.

He told them he would bring his favorite tea, cinnamon tea. Now evidently it was only to mask the smell of cyanide, but he made sure to customize their tea bag.

He delicately opened the tea bag and added grinded cherry pits in the herb mix, carefully so it wouldn't spill. He put the tea sac back in the paper sac it came in, which he had carefully opened, and sealed it closed with paper glue delicately.

He folded the corners of the poisoned tea pouch to know it was the other's, heading to their place soon after.


Oikawa adjusted his tie as he stepped out of the car, a folder under his arm, the pouch containing the tea bags in another hand. He walked up to the door confidently, knocking twice on it as he waited patiently on the door step. He took note of all the neighbors around, glad to see no cars were in the driveways.

Anyway, he wouldn't worry much about that, the man in question was rather old, so if he did mysteriously die of a heart attack, no one would really cause a scene. The senior man answered the door with a sweet smile, making Oikawa smile back.

The old man seemed too sweet to really have caused the crime he was accused of, and now Oikawa was having second thoughts. But at the same time, he knows that some people are great liars. He was stuck in the middle for this one, he really didn't know.

Yet after 15 minutes, he gave the man the poisonned tea bag, watched him drink about half before the effects started to kick in. Oikawa urged him to drink it all in one go. The man did as asked and downed his cup, the same expression in his eyes as the first victim.

Oikawa waited for the man to die before draning his cup, washing it properly so any dna would be down the drain. And just like that, he stepped out of the old man's neighborhood home and to his car, driving back home like nothing ever happened.

What did throw him off was Iwaizumi pacing around Oikawa's appartement door, arms crossed and brows narrowed. "Iwaizumi?" He asked as he basically tried to act normal.

Iwaizumi jumped and looked at Oikawa, up and down before nodding his head. "Can we talk inside please?" Iwaizumi said, making Oikawa a tad nervous. He nodded nevertheless and unlocked the door to his appartement, letting his best friend in, following him close behind.

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