Chapter 2. thoughts

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Oikawa stared at his injured friend on the hospital bed with a clenched jaw and balled fists. Iwaizumi was knocked out cold since the accident, which happened just a few days ago.

His hair wasn't neetly done as he would usually do it, nor did he smell as nice since he couldn't shower yet nor did he carry his favorite cologne.

The stench of sweat was going through the odor killing deodorant he had on, with a mix of alcohol and blood. He hated those 3 strong scents mixed together, it just stuck to his nostrils and made him sick to the core.

What sickened him even more was the driver who took no responsibility to the injuries caused. The driver put the blame on Iwaizumi, who was tipsy. Oikawa pleaded that the driver had more than enough time to stop and even claimed to see the driver on their phone.

Yet the cops didn't believe Oikawa, so the driver wasn't held accountable for the accident. The cops didn't even ask them to pay for the hospital bill Iwaizumi was going to handle, which pissed him off even more. He didn't want his friend to wake up with a nasty dept, so he decided to take the bill for him.

Oikawa was studying in law, soon to graduate as a top student in his class. He was already assisting in cases that includes civil crimes, cases who are worth 15000$, cases over 15000$, low class criminals and company cases. He basically was guarantied a job as soon as he got his diploma, in excatly a week.

He sighed and stepped out of the hospital room for the first time in the past three days, tired and hungry. He stumbled in the halls at 1am, making his way to the nearest vending machine. He payed and pressed a few buttons, getting himself a water bottle and a packed sandwich from the vending machine.

He leaned on a nearby wall, opening the sandwich to start nibbling on it. It was dry and honestly pretty bad, but the cafeteria was closed at this hour, so he knew he wouldn't get anything much better. With a bit of water, the dry bread and meat passed a bit better, but still pretty bad.

Two nurses passed by him witha small cart containing a variety of supplies, merely giving him a glace as he ate his stale food. He nodded to the women, who gave him a small nod and a smile, one of them even giggling lightly. Then went into a nearby room with their cart, probably either to refil on supplies, change them or empty the cart. Either one, that's not what interested Oikawa.

What did peek his interest was the conversation the two nurses were having, probably trying to also stay quiet, which they both failed at. There was an occasional sound of metal hitting metal, towels being shaked violently and footsetps, yet none of those quieted the conversation.

"I mean it's crazy isn't it? Something that seems so innofensive can litterally kill you!" Said a nurse, rather scared than impressed. "I know, now I'm almost scared to eat an apple seed..." Replied the other nurse in a quieter voice. At first, Oikawa assumed someone choked on an apple seed, probably to lead to a fatal death.

"Apperently cherry pits are even worse, they said you only need 2 of those to do the deed." Now Oikawa got confused. 2 cherry pits to choke someone? Why 2 specifically? 1 would be enough, no?

"Whit the amount of cyanide per pit, it's understandable! Crap, even one pit can be fatal if it's big enough." Oikawa was about to yurn to head back to his room when the conversation got good, making him stop in his tracks. "What was it, like 0.17grams of cyanide in a regular pit? I almost feel like unpitted cherries shouldn't be sold..."

Cyanide? Oikawa leaned in a bit to listen carefully. "Well apple seeds aren't as bad, but imagine if someone used them as flour in a recipe. Now that could be catastrophic." Oikawa walked away, the conversation had switched to sometuing in the lines of tampons and woman hygiene.

The word cyanide stuck to his head. It sounded familiar, yet he wasn't sure. He knew it was deadly, so came to conclusion it was either a poison or something highly toxic to humans. But to think such accessible food items held cyanide in them impressed him.

He made his way back into Iwaizumi's room quietly, sitting in the seat beside the bed again as he's been doing for the past few days. One look at his injured friend made his blood boil, clutching his fist again. He knew it wasn't Iwaizumi's fault that he was in this position. He knew Iwaizumi was not to blame for this.

Yet the driver, who carelessly texted and drived, had the balls to blame a knocked out man who could have been deadly injured. The man got away with it too, since the cop only used the fact that Iwaizumi was tipsy to explain the whole accident, not even bothering with Oikawa.

It was bastards like him that he wanted to take care of in court. He wanted to defend the victims and show them that any criminal will pay for their crimes, noatter the excuse. He wants the victims to know justice  will be served.

Yet here he sat and watched as the cop unfairly took the situation, not even asking for details, just straight up listening to the driver. Oikawa felt tears build up in his eyes- not of sadness, but of rage. He could feel the cold and malicious intent build up inside of him like a dark demon, just slowly taking form in him.

He looked at Iwaizumi again before receiving a text on Iwaizumi's phonez which he had kept close to reply to his co-workers worried texts. The one who had texted was a night shift man who wanted to know how his boss was doing. Oikawa replied, telling the man back, explaining Iwaizumi still hasn't woken up.

The co-worker appolagized for the late message, which Oikawa brushed off, since he wasn't sleeping yet. He shut off the phone, setting it on the nightstand beside the hospital bed.

Oikawa made himself comfortable in his seat, staring through the widow beside Iwaizumi's bed. His friend was the owner of a bakery, not in the middle of town, but a bit further wasn't ever overly crowded, yet still many customers came.

Their speciality was the cherry cupcake, which was a vanilla cake with shredded cherries mixed in the batter, a jelly cheery filling inside the cupcake, vanilla icing, white and red with white and red springkles. And of course, it wouldn't be complete without the cherry on top.

'Cyanide would be so easy to blend into the cake... Maybe a blended chery pit or two in the filling could work.' Oikawa thought, before realizing that he actually thought of poisoning food, especially with something deadly.

'I mean the driver would deserve it...' he proceeded to shake his head violently, smaking his hands on his cheeks. 'Get yourself together, what are you thinking about!' but the violent imagery started to take over. A knife perhaps, it would be longer, more painful.

He tried his best to clear his thoughts. "I'm tired." He mumbled as he turned his head to the side, shutting his eyes. Sleep washed over him, but his dreams weren't anything near peaceful.

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