Chapter 9. wedding bells

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He buttoned up his smokey grey tuxedo, adjusting the teal tie to his neck properly. He re-styled his hair and made sure to add a bit of hairspray, just to make sure it would hold during the evening. Oikawa decided to wear his glasses for once, just to complete the style.

He made sure to look impeccable; he knew today wasn't just a couple's happy new begging. It was Iwaizumi's  official new promo if everything went smoothly and the couple like the cake. Oikawa was impressed with what Hajime made, the couple's parents loving the idea of fairy lights on the cake.

Iwaizumi certainly was nervous when he went to pick up Oikawa, which he thought was a bit funny. He rarely saw Iwaizumi nervous, so this was new to him. The buff male waa fidgeting a little as he stood in the appartement complex's doorway, waiting for his 'date'.

Now Oikawa really started to wonder, was this actually a date? Or was it simply a sort of fancy night out with a friend? He pondered on the question a bit before shaking it off. He made sure he looked perfect, checking himself yet another time in the mirror before walkig up to his childhood friend.

"Dear, Iwa-chan, you look so handsome!" He said as he shamelessly checked him up and down, both from front and back. Iwaizumi had to take a few deep breaths to avoid blushing, letting out only a grunt to Oikawa.

And so, they both rode in Oikawa's car to the venue. The couple weren't much into traditional types of weddings, they decided on a park with a view on mount Fuji, which they ordered to get decorated with mostly natural elements, since they aren't a fan of ribbons and fake flowers.

Oikawa thought it looked stunning. He stood in awe, the place being kept gazing around the place,ctuching onto Iwaizumi's sleeve subconsciously. Iwaizumi glanced towards Oikawa, a small smile grazing his lips as he looked at the other boy, both his amazement and good looks making Iwaizumi weak.

And so, they sat in their seats after greeting the groom and bride's parents, having a breif chat before the call to sit. Once they sat, 'The river flows in you' started to play, which gave Oikawa chills. It wasn't like the typical melody people chose to walk down the isle, 'Canon in C', but this one fitted the decore perfectly.

The cheery blossoms were in bloom again, just like one year ago, when this couple got engaged. When Iwaizumi was starting to thrive with his business. When Oikawa was a simple student, not a full time lawyer-
Or killer.

He watched as a couple blossoms fell down gracefully, gliding through the air lightly, adding their sweet perfume to it all. Oikawa reached out a hand subtly, letting one land softly in his palm. He smiled sweetly to it before someone picked it out of his palm, making him frown.

He looked up to the imposter's hand, seeing a smiling Iwaizumi holding the flower carefully between his fingers. He gently tucked the flower in Oikawa's styled hair, it just sitting in his brown locks perfectly.

Oikawa smiled bashfully before turning his eyes to the bride, walking down the isle in a beautiful gown. She looked like she was floating with the thin fabrics of the dress just flowing in the wind.

The ceremony was long, about 2 hours since it was a classic speech type and the one that the priest kind of gets off track a few times talking about his past and other stuff. But Oikawa and Iwaizumi didn't mind it much, they rather enjoyed the old man's stories.

Whatthey both loved the best was the one stepmom who got mad at the priest for extending his time so he could get a higher pay. The man didn't take her seriously and played along, saying "Oh I have been discovered, I'll just book it now." To which he closed his bible and walked away.

Some bursted out laughing, some complained but overall the stepmom was calmed down. "I bet she'll get drunk and try to dance with the priest by tonight." Iwaizumi whispered into Oikawa's ear, making Oikawa giggle.

And so just as the sun set, they shared their first kiss as a married couple. The area errupted in cheers for the newlyweds, both Iwaizumi and Oikawa joining in. The groom high fived Iwaizumi as they walked back down the isle, grinning widly.

And so, everyone was escorted to the pavilion which they would party on to celebrate the newly weds. It was decorated with fairy lights and had a few led neon lightly, mostly decorated in champagne and white tones. The colorful flowers all around and the Sakura's made a beautiful embiance and nice pop of color to the whole area.

They were all seated and served their food, with a rather large menu to satisfy everyone. But the best part was seeing Iwaizumi push the buggey with the cake on it, a proud smile on his face. Both newly weds waited in anticipation as they were blindfolded to not see the cake.

Many people gasped at the beautiful details in the cake, many mumbling how they whisged that their cake would have been this neatly personalized. Iwaizumi carefully, with the help of the head chef of the night, placed the cake on a table.

The newlyweds both took off their blindfolds, with a look of surprise and joy on both their faces. Iwaizumi did add a few details to personalize the cake even more, like a few pictures of the two were gently set around the base of the cake and the fairy lights.

There were lots of pictures taken and so many positive comments on the cake, needless to say that Iwaizumi's night was a success.

And Oikawa was happy to see his friend so proud, butterflies gliding i  his chest and tummy as his heart beat faster.

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