Chapter 12. Vengeful

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It was silent. The night streets were silent, the wind had hushed itself and so have the night birds. Oikawa would hear meer buzzes whenever any type of noise would happen. He'd ignore it and keep marching forward into the night.

"I said too much, I said too much, god dammit I said too much!" He would mumble to himself as he walked the busy streets. He looked down to avoid any eye contact, his sight being lightly blurred as he sped up his pace a bit.

As his distance grew, his numbed feelings slowly came back to normal, soon being able to reveal the world around him. He grunted loudly as he heard the buzzing people around a little too lively to his liking, the loud car motors adding to his headache.

He grumbled as he kept walking, now irritated more than scared. He was a bit distracted as he tried his best to not raise his head from his current position. He didn't want to make any eye contact, he felt like it would make his blood boil much more.

He just needed to breathe is what he would think as he walked faster, heading to wherever the wind blows, just needed a second to recollect his thoughts. He didn't understand anything, yet everything made perfect sense.

Why did he even start killing? Why did he have a liking to watching people die? Why was it so satisfying? Yet why was it terrifying?

All the questions buzzed in his head like a deadly swarm of wasps trying to cause him a brutal death, one to pay the debts of his sins, torturing him slowly as he knew his senses were dull.

But he also knew the answers, since the begging and until the end, he'll always know the true answers. The ones he burried deep behind his voice of justice, the mask he wore to reason with himself and the devil within him.

He stopped abruptly, facing the street, watching the cars drive by rapidly. The street was the same as the other nigt, the one where he couldn't ever serve the justice he owed. He looked around him and saw the empty sidewalk, the exception of a few tourists and strays, it was rather empty.

He looked up to the sky and smiled. It was grey, cloudy and seemed ready to errupt in a horrid storm at any moment, just like Oikawa himself.

He waited. He didn't know exactly for what, or for who. He just felt it within he needed to wait. He stood there, staring at the sky, hoping for an answer to what he was waiting for.

His answer was soon given when a car stopped infront of him, catching his attention. His eyes averted from the sky to the car, the passenger window being rolled down.

The driver was speaking, but Oikawa couldn't hear. He couldn't read the man's lips, he couldn't analyze what was the situation. He could only see the face of the car owner along with a single goal.

His movements were mechanical, but sharp and stratagical. Oikawa couldn't hold it back anymore, the boiling anger he left untouched inside of him was too much. Was it anger on himself? Or others? Yet again he knew, and it was a matter of time before Iwaizumi would know.

Oikawa opened the passenger side door, getting in the car as the man's face went from annoyed to angered. Oikawa couldn't care less, the yelling turned to mere puppy yipping in his ears, adorably annoying. Sadly for him, he hates dogs.

He turned to the driver, a stone cold expression on display for the dear driver. He could tell he was angered, was on the verge of getting physical and was not scared of being violent.

Chills went up his spine. It was a dangerous situation. The man was loud, it would cause a scene and people will hear the ruckus. Oikawa knew this would be the end of it all, whether he liked it or not.

"Sir, I'm just making you pay back what you owe to my friend." He said calmly, fishing a small pouch from his pockect. The man was enraged at that point, about to swing a fist on Oikawa.

But some odd inhuman reflex stopped the brunette from being hit, an odd reflex he couldn't tell if it scared him or reassured him. He watched as his hand covered the drivers mouth the driver trying to process what happened.

"Swallow. Now." He said aggressively and menacingly. He was surprised to see the driver comply. It was that easy? His one goal to seek revenge was this easy? He sat it shock, watching as the man teared up as a muffled scream escaped him.

It really was that easy. He couldn't believe it, but it was. So, he simply reacher to the driver's door handle, pushing the man out of the car after unbuckling his seatbelt. Oikawa took the car, leaving the man on the road to rot.

But he knew the risk he took, understanding that his time was counted now. He drove off, a new goal in mind. He headed back to his appartement with a rush of adrenaline and pure euphoria as he drove.

The blood in his veins felt lighter than gravity, making him feel like he could float. He may have burned a few red lights, but he didn't care. He pulled into his parking slot, not turning the engine off. He used the elevator to quickly reach his appartement, knowing Iwaizumi may still be there.

He didn't care. He went right in his block, not looking for his friend. He looked in a bottom cupboard beside the fridge, pulling out a decent sized wooden box, setting it on the counter.

"Oikawa?" He heard his friend say behind him. Oikawa took a deep breath, a hint of anxiety taking over, yet he pushed it back. He turned around and saw Iwaizumi with a worried expression.

He didn't hesitate. He grabbed Iwaizumi's collar, pulling him in for a sweet and short kiss, Oikawa putting the last ounces of love he could possibly feel into it. "I'm sorry Iwa-chan. Promise to not worry? I'll be back in a bit. I have a sudden case to tend to." He said, grabbing to box and rushing off, leaving Iwaizumi stunned and alone in his appartement.

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