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What the actual fuck?

Sera bit down her bottom lip nervously, her eyes widened at what was written on the crumpled piece of paper. She shoots her head up, warily looking around to check if there was anyone nearby or if someone was spying on her; the latter seemed very unlikely, she had thought and shoved that second option into the trash.

But Yuta wrote this before Ten told me not to go there- could he have possibly known? No. How would Ten know? He wasn't there... he doesn't know, I've only opened it now too!

"Mark." His name accidentally slips between her lips when an image of him randomly popped up in her mind. Right. She came into the clinic with Mark because she wouldn't let him take the transmitter out by himself. But how could Mark have possibly known what was written—no. It's really impossible.

After a few seconds, a voice spoke from the end of the hallway which made the fire inside Sera ignite once more. She glares up at the figure, seeing Mark out of his jumpsuit and instead wore comfortable pajamas which he seemed to be confident in, judging by how he cockily took long strides towards her.

"Miss me that much, infant?"

"Shut up. I was just wondering where the heck did you go."

"Aw, is the infant concerned about me?"

"Fuck, no!" Sera scoffs, ridiculing Mark's words. "Why would I be concerned about you? I was just thinking of how much of a jerk you are to leave your 'responsibility' by herself! What if I got lost?"

"But you didn't." Mark shrugged nonchalantly, stretching his arms behind his head. "Besides, you seemed way too occupied to get lost." He gestures down onto the paper lying on top of Sera's palm. The girl flinches when he pointed it out, hastily pocketing the paper, crumpling it once more. "What was it? Isn't that from Yuta?"

"Yeah. It's... just a little reminder to get a good night's sleep, Mark. Nothing else."

"Really?" Mark tilts his head, looking rather unconvinced by Sera's white lie.

"Yes." She nods her head curtly, keeping a straight face despite her brain screaming at her for telling such an obvious lie. Mark rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders, "Okay, whatever you say, infant." He teased before gesturing down the hallway. "Shall we go?"

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