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"Welcome back to another episode
of Neo—"


"Again at Neo City where—"

"Ugh, no. Next."

"Let's us thank the Prime Minist—"

"Ew no. NEXT!"

"Neo City is a place wher—"


"Here at Neo Ci—"

"Fuck you!" Sera yelled at the holographic screen, using the remote to switch to different channels, but everything displayed the same exact thing. Either be it the same annoying jingle of the one-and-only famous food brand, the same repetitive news from their government, or the same nonstop advertisement of their own city.

"Aren't there any good shows? Something that is not projected by the UA?" She whined, slumping in her seat out of disappointment. Her eyes boring into the screen, her thumb pressing raptly on the button.

"You know, you're gonna break that remote from all the forceful pressing." Sera peered up from the screen, seeing her older sister walk out from the bathroom, wearing the pallid dark blue jumpsuit that caused Sera's irritation to bubble up. "Ew- you look horrible in that."

"Sera, you need to stop criticizing every single thing that the UA made." Sejeong, her older sister, stated before walking over behind the kitchen counter, preparing a simple breakfast for herself. "They are like the foundation of the whole world."

Sera rolled her eyes instinctively as she continued switching through limited channels. "Well, if they told the truth then maybe I'd stop criticizing them."

"Truth?" Sejeong raised a brow, not quite catching what her younger sister was trying to say. "Sera you kno—" her words were cut to stop as the said girl sauntered over to where she stood, in her grasp was her NeoTech Cell; a device that served as – what the past generation has said to call them – their cellphone.

Presenting the silver stick device she was scrolling through a few hours ago, she twisted the two ends contrariwise to the other, opening a holographic screen that displayed the little video that popped out randomly awhile ago.

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