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Four people who looked very confused at the same time disappointed with what they were seeing.

Jaehyun, Taeyong, Doyoung, and Yuta couldn't believe what they were seeing. The moment both of them has stepped out of the room, specifically Sera's room, rose a bunch of qualms and surmise. Although they knew Mark was in charge of keeping check of the girl alongside Jungwoo, it made them wonder what they were doing alone in a room—particularly, someone's own private space.

Taeyong looked had the most utterly displeased expression out of the four of them and yet he quickly masked it up with his usual aloof attitude. Eyeing them up, he raised a brow. "And what is this?"

Jaehyun eyed the older from the corner of his eye, knowing well that Taeyong had a lot of questions running in his mind, waiting to be answered. But for the sake of trying to forget the past, he did not waver. He did not let those questions drown him again and make him desperate.

Doyoung, however, felt like something was going on between the two. He couldn't point out what it was but there was surely something, something that he would usually not care about but the thought was akin to haunting. Other than that, he couldn't help but stare longer at the girl. He wanted to avert his gaze, avoid her whole figure, but a part of him forbade him from doing so.

And lastly, Yuta knew better than to look at the two. He knew that if he did, he wouldn't be able to hide the frown upon his face.

Mark, on the other hand, was out of words. He didn't know what to respond when Taeyong directed his piercing glare towards him. Despite the lack of speech, Mark felt like he was being interrogated just by Taeyong's demanding gaze.

As he stood there frozen, Sera finally decided to speak up, knowing that the male beside her wouldn't be speaking any time soon. "We were just leaving, actually."

"Seems like it. However," Taeyong's gaze trailed onto the doorway and she followed it, her mouth creating an 'o' shape upon understanding. "I don't quite understand why you two are here when everybody else is at the training center, obviously training."

"Unless you both have other plans such as doing something so privately that it requires for you two to be alone in a room."

Jaehyun grimaced at Taeyong's accusation, looking over at the younger two who seemed to be having a dilemma over what Taeyong assumed. Mark was quick with his words though he stumbled upon them, unsure of how to deliver his sentence right.

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