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"Did you live with other people before, Jisung? People other than Jungwoo?" Yuta opened up a topic, glancing over at the younger boy who sat tense beside him. Yuta cocked an eyebrow up in amusement, his one hand loosely around the steering wheel while the other simply fell limp by his side.

"Yoo-hoo? Earth to Jisung?"

The skies... are so glum. People... those morose faces.

Yuta kept his eyes steady on the boy who was quite agog, his quizzical gaze explained it all. The way he stared out at the dark skies not to admire them but to ponder why it was like that. His eyes peered over walking citizens as if noticing a pattern with how they moved and walked. One thing was certain in Jisung's mind; they look like robots.

Yuta, however, had enough of Jisung's quietude. Though he didn't want to disturb the boy's train of thoughts, he had a gut feeling he had to. His brows instantly furrowed down as he reached out to smack the boy's arm, jumping him out of his little reverie.

Jisung's eyes grew wide in an instant, a yelp to escape his mouth. "W-What was that for!?"

"You kept ignoring me," Yuta replied, rolling his eyes and went back to focus on the road. Jisung shifted uncomfortably in his seat, lips zipped tight after Yuta's monotonous reply. A few minutes of silence and Yuta groaned, alarming Jisung who panicked.

"D-Did I do something w-wrong?" Jisung struggled with his words, eyes hastily crossed over the car's air conditioning. "Was I hogging the AC? Omg—"

Expecting to receive some sort of glare or annoyed reply from Yuta, his eyes widen once more when all he received was a laughing Yuta. The blonde man chuckled at how cute the boy was with his mouth agape, staring at Yuta with his usual perplexed face.

"I-Is it something I said?" Jisung murmured, scratching his head, cheeks turning pink from the embarrassment that took over him. He didn't know why but Yuta laughing at something he possibly did, yet he had no idea what made him embarrassed for how clueless he was.

After a moment of Yuta's laughter, he shakes his head and outstretches his arm to ruffle the boy's hair; the latter flinching. "You're such a cute boy, Jisung."

"I was asking you a question and you were busy daydreaming, when I snapped you back into your senses I expected you to talk to me but you kept silent- that's why I laughed," Yuta explained simply, a few sniggers here and there occasionally. He sighs in relief, a smile to creep up his face. "So, will you answer my question now?"

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