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Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

"Breathe in. Breathe out." The young male kept repeating to himself. Walking down the hallways, it felt as if he was walking alone. The people that passed by him felt nonexistent and the more steps he took; the more they faded away from his vision. The walls were entrapping him, taking away every single breath he stored. His heart clamored against his ribcage, teeth gritted and fists clenched. "Come on, Jungwoo. You can do this." He mumbled to himself after seeing the conference room not far from where he currently stood.

Standing in front of the doors that lead to the conference room, he held his breath. Perturbed by his own thoughts, he remained still, undaring to enter the room—in fear that the first thing he'll receive will be nothing but a huge slap in the face.

A hand on his tense shoulder distracts him from his own thoughts and he recoiled to see Ten standing beside him, looking concerned.


"Jungwoo." He heard his name being called again but this time it wasn't Ten's voice. A rather deeper voice that had a carefree hint to it. He missed that voice so much.


The aforementioned person flinched and shook his head, backing away from Ten. His hand immediately went up to cover his mouth, be it from shock or fright—most likely it was the latter.

"I-I'm sorry."

If Ten's already here then...

Jungwoo spared a glance towards the door.

I had been standing here for minutes?!

"Are you okay?" Ten asked, his tone laced with concern. He had been friends with Jungwoo ever since he joined the rebellion. You could say he was one of the new recruits that Ten didn't come to despise. Jungwoo was extremely hard to be mad at, some way or another, you'll end up liking him which was a good thing, Ten had always thought.

Jungwoo played it well; with that assuring smile he had, and that jaunty laugh leaving his lips. It seemed as if nothing was wrong, and he was all too good at making it look like that.

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